
读迷你小对话 学英语口语:第9课 幽默的 - 10

沪江英语 2012-04-14 09:00
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第9课:幽默的 - 10


A: I can’t believe you started giggling in a business meeting!
B: I couldn’t help it. I was trying to be serious, but when I saw Mrs. Ashford’s face after she drank the cold coffee you gave her, it just cracked me up. I had a hard time just keeping a straight face when she picked it up. I thought she would never actually drink it.

A: 真不敢相信你竟然在商业会议上傻笑起来!
B: 我实在是忍不住了。我是想严肃点,可看了Ashford夫人喝了你给她的冷咖啡的表情后,就再也忍不住了。她举起杯的时候我硬是板着脸不笑。我以为她根本不会喝的。


giggle: 傻笑。
can’t help it: 不得不做某事;无法不做某事。
crack sb. up: 大笑出来。这个词组的含义是非常积极的,指的是真正的、彻底的
keep a straight face: 忍住不笑出来,板着脸。
