
【读迷你小对话 学英语口语】第7课:快乐的 - 12

沪江英语 2012-03-12 15:14
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第7课:快乐的 - 12


A: Mr. King finally managed to write a best-seller. His book made a million dollars in just the first hour it was in the stores.
B: Mr. King must be as pleased as punch about that!
A: Yes, and his publisher is as high as a kite, too.

A: King先生总算出了一本畅销书。他的书刚进各个书店一小时就卖了一百万美元。
B: 那他一定得意洋洋了。
A: 是啊,他的出版商也高兴得不得了。


manage to do: 设法做到。
best-seller: 畅销书。
as pleased as punch: 兴高采烈,得意洋洋。这个词组用来形容一种快乐并且兴奋的感觉。punch原意是指潘趣酒,一种甜滋味的混合水果饮料。
publisher: 出版商。
as high as a kite: 指处于极好的心情之中,情绪如同高飞的风筝一般。
