
【读迷你小对话 学英语口语】第7课:快乐的 - 4

沪江英语 2014-05-23 16:27
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第7课:快乐的 - 4


A: I think it is delightful that such an accommodating speaker has come to talk to the students tonight.
B: Yes, I am ecstatic that he took time out from his busy schedule to come here.
A: I would not be surprised if the students provide rapturous applause for him when he enters. He has done a lot for young people in this country.
B: I am thrilled and over enjoyed that he can be here tonight!

A: 很高兴今晚能有个这么随和的演讲者来和学生聊聊。
B: 是啊,他能从百忙之中抽出时间来这儿太让人欣喜若狂了!
A: 我想他走进来的时候同学们一定会热烈鼓掌。他为年轻人做了很多事情。
B: 今晚他能来这儿我实在是太兴奋,太高兴了!


delightful: 使人高兴的,令人愉快的。
accommodating: 随和的。
ecstatic: 狂喜的,欣喜若狂的。
schedule: 日程安排表。
rapturous: 狂喜的,如痴如狂的。
thrilled: 极度兴奋的,激动的。
overjoyed: 万分高兴得,欣喜若狂的。
