
【读迷你小对话 学英语口语】第5课:美 - 13

沪江英语 2012-02-16 10:00
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第5课:美 - 13


A: I met a boy called David this evening, and I really enjoyed talking to him.
B: Yes, I saw you. You just melt into his eyes. I’m surprised you could tear yourself away to come talk to me.

A: 今晚我碰到一个叫David的男生,和他交谈真是开心。
B: 我看到了。他的眼神都把你熔化了。你居然舍得离开他来跟我说话,正让我惊讶。


A: All the girls here look good, but Alice really takes the cake.
B: Sure. She is a really natural-looking clear-eyed beauty.

A: 这儿的女孩看上去都不错,不过Alice是最出色的。
B: 没错。她是个不用打扮就很漂亮动人的美女。


melt into one’s eyes: 指深深被某人吸引,以至于忘记了自己,而只是专注在那个人身上。
tear oneself away: 强迫自己离开或停止做某事。
take the cake: 成为最佳者或坏到极点。
clear-eyed beauty: 指某人未经化妆,很自然的就非常漂亮。
