In France, Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris is a Gothic Christian church building on the banks of the Seine, It is the cathedral of the Catholic Diocese of Paris. Its status and historical value are incomparable and it is one of the most brilliant buildings in Eiffel Tower, is little more than a century old. Notre-Dame has stood tall above Paris since the 1200s.
Many churches, cathedrals and abbeys in Europe are in the gothic style. The flying buttress,one distinctive characteristic of the gothic architecture, is an effective combination of utility with ornament. The Notre Dame was not originally designed with the flying buttress. When the wall was built higher and higher, it could not carry the weight. So the architects added the flying buttress to support it in the form of the beautiful arch.
1.地标性建筑 landmark
Notre Dame de Paris is not only a well-known ancient building, but also a major landmark of Paris.
2.哥特式建筑 Gothic building
Gothic architecture is a style that flourished at the peak and end of the Middle Ages. It was developed from Roman architecture and inherited from Renaissance architecture. Originated in France in the twelfth century and lasted until the sixteenth century, Gothic architecture was generally called "French style" in contemporary times, while the word "Gothic style" appeared in the late Renaissance with a derogatory meaning. Gothic architecture features pointed arches, ribbed vaults and flying arches.
哥特式建筑(英语:Gothic architecture),或译作歌德式建筑,是一种兴盛于中世纪高峰与末期的建筑风格。它由罗曼式建筑发展而来,为文艺复兴建筑所继承。发源于十二世纪的法国,持续至十六世纪,哥德式建筑在当代普遍被称作“法国式”(Opus Francigenum),“哥德式”一词则于文艺复兴后期出现,带有贬意。哥德式建筑的特色包括尖形拱门、肋状拱顶与飞拱。
3.国家的标志 national symbol
The maple tree leaf is the national symbol of Canada and it is printed on Canada's national flag.
哥特式建筑Gothic architecture
古典建筑classical architecture
文艺复兴建筑Renaissance architecture
巴洛克建筑Baroque architecture
洛可可建筑Rococo architecture
美索不达米亚建筑Mesopotamian architecture
古罗马建筑Roman architecture
罗曼式建筑Romanesque architecture
古埃及建筑Egyptian architecture
拜占庭建筑Byzantine architecture
伊斯兰建筑Islamic architecture
故宫the Forbidden City
美国白宫White House
白金汉宫Buckingham Palace
卢浮宫Louvre Museum
大本钟 Capitol and Big Ben
伦敦塔桥 Tower of London bridge
美国自由女神像The Statue of Liberty
法国埃菲尔铁塔 Eiffel Tower
英国的大本钟 Big Ben
悉尼歌剧院 Sydney Opera House
意大利的比萨斜塔 Leaning Tower of Pisa
帝国大厦 Empire State Building
埃及金字塔 The Pyramids
印度泰姬陵Taj Mahal
巴黎凯旋门Arc de Triomphe
日本富士山 Mount Fuji
希腊帕特农神庙 Parthenon Temple