

2008-03-18 10:43
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本文介绍了奥林匹克的渊源,最初是为了祭祀希腊神话中的众神之王宙斯,然后慢慢失去了地方特色而演变为全球性的重大活动(lost its local and national characters, and became first a national event)。虽然没有人知道奥林匹克具体追溯到哪一年,但它从公元前776年开始有了记录。古代奥运会从第一届开始,直到公元前724年,都只有一个项目---200米短跑(200-metre dash)。公元前708年,Pentathlon出现了。即时考生不认识这个字,也可以根据它的前缀pent---“五”,以及后文对其的定义“5-event match, which consisted of running, wrestling, leaping, throwing the discus and hurling the javelin”猜出“五项运动”的意思。

古代奥运会从公元前776年到公元后394年,每4年举行一次,共延续了1170年。之后,历史中断了,直到1896年现代奥运会(the first of the modern summer games)的兴起,它才再次绽放辉煌。奥林匹克不再局限于希腊一个国家,而在世界各地轮流举行,由主办国负责提供运动场馆和运动员食宿(The host country provides vast facilities such as stadiums and living accommodation)。新的项目也被不断地添加进奥运会,比如马拉松。每届奥运会的前奏,就是从奥林匹亚山上采集的火种,经过无数火炬手的传递,点燃开幕式上硕大的主火炬塔。圣火象征着古希腊人奥林匹克运动理想的延续(The Olympic flame symbolizes the continuation of the ancient Greek athletic ideal),将一直燃烧到本次奥运会闭幕(and it burns throughout the games until the closing ceremony)。另外,奥运旗帜上的五环紧紧相扣(5 interlocking rings),代表着参加比赛的五个大洲。



1.       Diana is working as a sales-person for an insurance company this summer, it is a tough job and she gets to be outdoors from time to time. But the pay is decent.


2.       Please don’t get annoyed over what I said now. I’m just worried about the delay. In no way do I blame you for what happened. You have tried your best.

本句用in no way的倒装结构表达出否定的意味,显示出说话者的态度并非指责对方。

3.       Mrs. Green called the after-sale service agency and had her almost-new refrigerator repaired for free because it was still under warranty.

有意思的是,昨天正巧是“三·一五”消费者维权日,这句话描述的就是在under warranty---保修期内,消费者找售后服务修冰箱的事情。

4.       George is a true pal. He is ready to offer any kind of assistance whenever you are in need. Friends like him are few and far between.

本句出现词组few and far between,“稀少,很少见”的意思,曾经在托福考试中出现过。即时考生不知道词组的含义,也能根据前文的内容判断出来。

5.       Unless the whole production cost could be reduced to a reasonable limit, the company would have to double its budget by next year.


6.       If the goods could not arrive in time for the Christmas rush, good quality and competitive price would mean nothing at all.


7.       Well, I’m sure we can work something out but it’s almost dinner time. May I suggest that we come back tomorrow, say 9 o’clock, to continue the talk?

我们在新东方的口译课上强调过小词用法的重要性,考生应经常在词典上翻阅诸如work, get, take等词后接不同介词的意思及用法。本句中词组“work things out”的意思---解决问题。

8.       If our products are to compete on the international market, advanced technology is a key element. The higher the technology, the better the products and the greater the competitiveness.


9.       The fact that Mr. Parkinson is a high-ranking CEO doesn’t mean that he can advise you about finance and investment questions.

句子虽长,但应抓住主干The fact…doesn’t mean…,就算是CEO也不一定能给你关于金融投资问题正确的建议。

10.   In this country, the total number of people over 65 years old is 23 million today, but it will swell to 45 million by the year 2020.

