
【数码天地 英语词汇】Sony VAIO X 世界最薄本本 (女生最爱)

沪江英语 2011-03-21 14:13
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The VAIO® X Series laptop is the world's lightest notebook1. Just how light are we talking? At a mere 1.6 pounds1 and just about a half-inch thin, you might just forget you're carrying it. If you're looking for an ultra-portable PC with killer styling, the X Series is all you.

VAIO X系列采用了新一代厚度仅为约1.8mm的轻薄型液晶面板、单面装配的纤薄主板及平板化紧凑布局配以约2.25mm轻薄摄像头,使其整机厚度达到惊人的约13.9mm*1,精美有型。

The VAIO X Series laptop is the world's lightest notebook.  At a mere 1.6 pounds and just about a half-inch thin , you might just forget you're carrying it.

本期短句为 a half-inch thin 请童鞋们认真翻译哟~~ (答案在下一行,反白可见)

这次的很简单 "a half-inch thin" 的意思就是 半英尺薄,你答对了么?

索尼VAIO系列笔记本是世界上最薄的笔记本。 仅有1.6磅重,并且大约只有半英寸薄,你甚至感觉不到它的重量。

本文摘自沪江部落【数码天地 英语词汇】节目,很适合喜欢数码产品又想提高英语能力的你!马上点我订阅吧>>
