
【数码天地 英语词汇】Cover Story 将再次触动你的阅读体验

沪江英语 2011-03-17 15:58
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iriver story utilizes the E-ink film display technology to provide the same experience as reading on printed paper. iriver story utilizes the E-ink film display technology to provide the same experience as reading on printed paper. , iriver story utilizes the E-ink film display technology to provide the same experience as reading on printed paper.

电子书从诞生开始就一直采用按键式操作,虽然按键使用起来十分直观和方便,但由于大多电子书都采用E-INK屏幕,而这种屏幕的刷新速度一般比较慢,通过按键移动光标来进行操作,响应较慢,这一点相信电子书玩家都深有体会。因此,触摸屏的电子书一直备受关注。随着iriver第二代电子书的出现,用手指触摸滑动操作将不再是梦,电子书的 使用将更加人性化,人机交互更加舒心。

iriver proudly presents Cover Story, the second generation of Story with improved portability and user interface. Although the display comes in the same size of 15.24cm (6-inch), without a keyboard, it has the ideal size and weight for one-handed use. In addition, an 8-grayscale e-ink display on a 15.24cm screen recreates the same appearance as printed paper.

本期短句为 8-grayscale 请童鞋们认真翻译哟~~ (答案在下一行,反白可见)

这次比较简单吧 "super mobility" 的意思就是 移动性超高的意思,你答对了么?

这次比较简单吧 "8-grayscale" 的意思就是 8度灰阶,你答对了么? -----------以下为全文翻译:------------- 艾利和Story电子书第二代重磅推出,移动性更强,界面更友好。二代仍然采用全触屏15.24厘米(6英尺)规格,大小和重量正好方便单手操作。8度灰阶e-ink屏足以匹配传统纸张带来的阅读体验。

本文摘自沪江部落【数码天地 英语词汇】节目,很适合喜欢数码产品又想提高英语能力的你!马上点我订阅吧>>
