
美国“排队大王”排队购买 iPhone4 获赞助

2010-06-23 16:10
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图中左一穿橙色T恤的是Greg Packer

Line-sitting obsessive Greg Packer is at it again, camping outside of the Fifth Avenue Apple Store in New York City for the iPhone 4. And this time he’s got a sponsor!

The sponsor is , a site which buys up your used gadgets based upon a cash offer from their dynamic pricing engine. They then either resell your used gadget or recycle it.

Packer himself — more enthusiastic about line-sitting than he is functionally knowledgeable about tech — doesn’t really seem to have a very nuanced understanding of what his sponsor does, describing Gazelle as an “eBay for electronics.” It’s not, really, but either way, it looks like a pretty cool site for individuals who don’t want to go the eBay or Craigslist route for selling their old gadgets… or at the very least, recycle their own tech easily and responsibly. Their sponsorship of Packer has certainly raised my awareness of what they do, so in that, their money seems well spent.

As for Packer and his motivation for sitting in line, “I was the first in the US to have iPhone 1, so why not do it again?”

Shhh! No one tell him that FedEx is already delivering iPhone 4s to customers, no line-sitting required.

沪江小编:在这个世界上,只要你坚持不懈的去做一件不违法犯罪的事情,你就能取得一定的成绩。在美国,有这么一位排队大王Greg Packer,他生平的喜好就是排队,经常站在各种队伍的第一个,于是就经常作为队伍中的路人甲被媒体采访了不下一百次,比专家什么的出镜率高多了。他还见过吉米·卡特,比尔·克林顿和小布什这三位美国总统以及玛丽亚·凯莉、NBA的坏小子罗德曼等名人。最近,他再次去排队购买iPhone 4,还获得了一家二手商品交易网站的赞助。这充分证明了咱老祖宗说的,只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针。天下无难事,只怕有心人。(众:什么跟什么啊~~)
