

yosemite 2008-11-20 17:33
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Blair: Cyrus has been one of my mom's attorneys since the divorce. He asked her out when they first met, but she didn't wanna mix business with pleasure. Finally, his amorous overtures wore her down, and she agreed to dinner. She's been smitten ever since.

amorous: 多情的,含情脉脉的,词根是拉丁语的amor,表示爱。
overture: 建议,行为
wear her down: wear down本身的含义表示“使某人筋疲力尽”,这里表示“难以抵挡对方的穷追猛打”。注意还有个词组叫做wear off, 表示消失,减弱。后面有一段Jenny在酒吧找到Agnes, Agnes说If my hangover ever wears off. (如果我的头疼好一点的话)
smitten: smite的过去分词(smite - smote - smitten). 对一个人的迷恋。后面Aaron的老爸见到Serena,他对S说You know, I think he(Aaron) is quite smitten with you.正是因为他的这句话,S大受鼓舞,就跑去Aaron的工作室找他了。

Serena: Oh, uh, Aaron's amazing. He's been sending me these maps to the most beautiful places. The other day I ended up in a private room in the cloisters overlooking the gardens.
Blair: Spare them the details, Serena. Hazel will kill herself from envy.

cloister: 修道院
Spare them the details: 细节就不用说了,注意spare的用法,表示省略,省下。这里提到的Hazel很好玩,前面B说要见她妈妈的男朋友,Hazel一脸怨妇状的说"Even moms have boyfriends, and I don't." 后面在B的生日会上,她又问起S和Aaron的事情,S说 "He's not exactly my boyfriend." Hazel马上就跟了一句You mean he's free? 这个时候Blair就说"Hazel Hazel, I can hear your desperation from the other room."

Manager: Who do you imagine your client will be?
Jenny: Girls like us. Sophisticated girls with a bit of edge who can afford high-end product, and I know these girls and their style because I'm their peer, so that's what makes me unique as a designer.
Manager: Hmm. What's the name of the label?

edge: 这个以前讲过的,就是前卫的,新潮的
high-end: 高端
label: 品牌。名牌货就叫做label, 或者designer bag/cloths. 电影Sex and the City里的主题曲就叫做Labels or Love, Fergie唱的,很有意思的一首歌曲,有兴趣的可以看这里,我在里面还加了一个音频文件,专门介绍各种品牌的正确英文读法。

Jenny: We haven't fully decided yet, clearly, but, uh, it really doesn't matter, 'cause we're just here to take the work to the next level.

take the work to the next level: 更上一层楼,更进一步,可以用来形容工作、关系等等方面。

Agnes: I mean, if Mr. Smith here wants to represent us, then he should know who he's dealing with.
Jenny: Except Mr. Smith might get the wrong idea about our professionalism.
Agnes: Well, then cut the crap and start acting professional

deal with: You have no idea what you’re dealing with. 你根本不知道事情到底是什么样子的,你根本不清楚状况。deal with是很常用的一个词组,大家可以学习一下。
get the wrong idea about: 误解,误会,口语里好像很少用misunderstanding.
cut the crap: 少废话,也可以说cut the bullshit或者cut it out.

Jenny: Agnes, look at who's acting out yell again in another business meeting.
Agnes: You wanna see acting out?
Jenny: And yet another one, bites the dust, Agnes. What is the matter with you? This guy was our last chance.
Agnes: Okay, he totally overreacted. I mean, we're artists. We need to work with somebody who's not gonna be freaked out.

act out: a psychological term meaning to perform an action to express (often subconscious) emotional conflicts. 人都有愤怒伤心的时候,正面的做法是去朋友倾诉,看心理医生等,但是负面的做法就叫做acting out(用一些实际行动来发泄,比如吸毒、暴力、性等)。
bite the dust: 大败
freak out: 发疯、胆怯、生气,都可以用这个词组。freak本身含义是怪胎,有特殊癖好的人,比如有洁癖的人就是clean freak, 有控制欲的就是control freak.

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