

yosemite 2008-09-22 12:19
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It's not often you find a man who's intelligent, sophisticated, has an appreciation for golden-age Hollywood and is a gentleman to boot.

to boot: moreover; in addition to. Kristen's an amazing girl, and sexy to boot!
sophisticated: having a refined knowledge of the ways of the world cultivated especially through wide experience,也就是说见过世面的,有阅历的。这是一个很容易被误译的单词,字典里给出的解释是“诡辩的, 久经世故的”,但其实这个单词可以是褒义词(如同在这句话的解释),也可以是贬义词,解释为deprived of native or original simplicity,即“老于世故”的,但后者出现的情况不是很多。

- Clearly there's some sort of... blockage.
- Perhaps...
- No, Chuck.
- One more go-around, just to clear the pipes.
- You are not using Blair as sexual Drano.

Serena 去找Chuck, 正好碰见那个日本空姐,于是就聊起Chuck糜烂的sex life,只见Chuck一脸郁闷状,Serena恍然大悟,原来Chuck最近在sex方面是“屡败屡战,屡战屡败”。Chuck解释说是因为有些 blockage,他想到了找Blair来clear the pipes.

关键的地方来了。blockage本意是阻塞,你家的水管堵住了,就用blockage.而clear the pipe就是疏通管道。上文和下文是对应的,但这里用的是字面意思背后的metaphor. pipe, 可以用来指dick(omg, 希望没有人再用Dick这个英文名字了),而clear the pipe就是指you receive an orgasm from a girl; usually its when you haven't received sex in a while. 另外说一下,pipe这个单词除了指dick, 还可以用来指blow job, 来源据说是法语里一摸一样拼写的pipe, 读做"peep". (恩…这些单词都是当年看sex and the city学来的)

至于后面Serena叫Chuck不要把Blair当作是sexual Drano, 这里的Drano是一个排水管清洁剂的品牌,人家的作用就是用来clear the pipes的。

-You like him. He likes you. So just call him.
-He stood me up, remember?

He stood me up: 放我鸽子,让我空等一场。后面Vanessa看见Catherine和Nate在一起,就质问Is that the reason you keep canceling on me? 这句话也可以表示放鸽子的意思。

另外stand up for sb.可以解释为support. 后面有一个场景,Dan在公园里遇到三个小妹妹,很老成的在评论Dan与Serena复合的事情,其中有个小姑娘说Your whole breakup? We're on your side. 这句We’re on your side意思是“我们站在你这一边”,和stand up for是一个意思。


I got us a room at the Mercer. We can order in.

order in在这里是指点酒店的room service, 在房间里吃饭。日常生活中这个单词表示“叫外卖”。take out则是表示外带的意思,在快餐店里点餐,服务员会问你for here or to go, 或者for here or take-out? for here就是堂吃,to go或者take-out就是外带。而打包叫做wrap up,至于问服务员要打包的盒子,那就叫做doggy bag了。至于为什么要叫狗食袋,一种说法是最早美国人在餐厅吃剩下的东西,不好意思打包,怕别人觉得自己小气,于是就会问服务员要一个袋子,说是带回去给自己家的狗吃。久而久之,doggy bag就变成打包袋/盒的代名词了。

-You know, and if we just start telling people...
- What? What could anybody possibly say that would change this?
- You're right. I'm in.

不要小看I'm in这个短语,虽然简单,用处却很多。在这里表示“你是对的,就听你的吧”,在其他地方还可以表示“加入一个团队,加入一个活动”。比如你朋说周末组织一场篮球赛,你打算参加,你就可以说I'm in. 又比如你们谋划什么大行动,你大义凛然的说“算上我”,那也叫做I'm in.

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