

2012-01-25 13:00
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<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
J: [---1---] Or what just... happened here.
B: We had Dorota film us earlier. [---2---] She prefers to be the only one screwing with us.
N: Hey, Juliet. What's--what's going on?
J: Serena's upset she didn't get into Hamilton House.
S: You purposely kept me out.
J: Why would I do that?
B: [---3---], and her friendship with me, obviously.
J: Whatever twisted frenemy/ex-boyfriend situation you have going on, Serena, it has nothing to do with me. I told you that the Alumni Committee makes the decision--
S: You seriously thought we wouldn't know anyone on the committee?
J: You can't. That's the "Secret" part of a secret committee.
L: Unless the keymaster misbehaves. Half of the board members of Bass industries are alumni. One phone call confirmed the obvious-- that Serena has always been at the top of the list.
Congratulations, darling. Key, please.
N: Juliet.
B: Ladies, champagne?
N: Juliet!
S: Nate, are you really going after her?
N: I didn't find your little show as charming as everyone else did.
S: Well, it wasn't meant to be. What's going on? It's like ever since I got back, you're angry with me. I-I thought we ended things as friends.
N: Serena, [---4---], and then you dumped me,
and then you disappeared for the whole summer. And you come back acting as if nothing's changed. But I did.
Hints: Gossip girl, Nate, Dan
I don't know what you're talking about. Gossip girl played it as a favor. Because you're jealous of her relationship with Nate you cheated on me with Dan
B:你觉得我会信赖你 质疑布莱尔吗 J:不知道你们说什么呢 还有刚才这儿发生了什么 B:我们让多洛塔给我们拍了那段短片 八卦天后帮忙转播了一下 她觉得只有她才能掺和我俩的事 N:茱丽叶 怎么回事儿啊 J:瑟琳娜因为没能加入汉米尔顿之家有点不高兴 B:你故意要把我踢出去 J:我问什么要这么做 B:因为你嫉妒她和内特的关系 还有她和我的友情 很显然 J:我才懒得理你们混乱的敌友/前男友的关系 瑟琳娜 这事儿完全跟我没有关系 我说过是校友委员会 做决定 S:你真的认为 我们不认识委员会的人吗 J:不可能 这就是秘密组织的秘密之处 L:除非钥匙管理员玩忽职守 拜斯集团的董事 有一半是委员会成员 一个电话 即可确认 瑟琳娜始终位列 名单表前端 恭喜 甜心 请交出钥匙 N:茱丽叶 B:女士们 来点香槟吗 N:茱丽叶 S:内特 你真的在追她吗 我和其他人不一样 不认为你在服装秀的表演很迷人 那是不得已的 你怎么了 自从我回来后 你一直生我的气 我以为我们还是朋友 瑟琳娜 你在丹的事上欺骗我 又把我一脚踢开 继而又消失了整个暑假 你回来后打算装作一切如常吗 但我变了