

2012-01-16 00:00
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<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
J: Really? That's it? Dad, she believed you cheated. She was leaving with her ex-husband. And you helped make that happen. You know, you think that William's the only problem? He's not, dad. You and Lily fight all the time.
I mean, one of you thinks the other's cheating. You both keep secrets.
R: Jenny, that's between me and Lily.
J: You know, I wish it was,but we all get dragged into it just like we did today. When we lived in Brooklyn, I might have had to take the subway to school and make my own clothes. But at least our family was happy.I don't see what's so wrong about wanting my life to go back to normal.
R: This is where we live. ____(一句话听写,句首字母大写,句子末尾加句号)_____
What needs to get back to normal is you.
normal 形容词 adj. 1.正常的, 平常的 She braced herself to lead a normal life. 她振作起来去过正常生活。 Everything is normal here. 这里一切正常。 2.正规的; 标准的 He received four years of normal education at college. 他在大学受了四年正规教育。 J:真的吗? 就这样? 爸爸 她相信你骗了她 她刚还要和前夫一起离开 是你让这事发生的 你知道吗 你觉得William才是唯一的问题? 他不是 爸爸 你和Lily总是在吵架 我的意思是 你们总认为对方在说谎 你们都藏着秘密 R: Jenny 这是我和Lily之间的事情 J: 你知道吗 我希望如此 但是我们所有人都卷了进去 就像今天这样 当我们住在Brooklyn的时候 我也许得 搭地铁去学校 而且要自己做衣服 但是至少 我们一家人很幸福 我不觉得 想要回到正常的生活的想法 是多么错误的 R: 这就是我们生活的地方 需要重新回到正常生活的是你