

2011-12-07 11:00
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我不在乎他们把我赶出国会 我所在乎的只有你 ”,他能打动我们的S吗?

<听写方式: 填写缺失的部分, 不用带数字序号>
B: You get on it, [---1---]
T: I don't care if Maureen outs our affair. I don't care if they run me out of congress for it. All I care about is you. If I'm gonna leave Maureen, which I just told her I am...I want to do it with you by my side. I'm gonna be downstairs, [---2---], to go.
I hope you'll join me.
B: Wow. [---3---]
S: What do I do?
B: Go. I love you.
S: I love you, too.
B: What is that?
S: It's from my father. It's postmarked from weeks ago, and it's been opened.
C: Blair, we have to go.
S: Go. It's okay. [---4---]
and we never see you again. waiting in my car I didn't think he had it in him. I need to be alone.
B:你上电梯去 然后大家再也不会见面 T:我不在乎莫林公开我们的事 我不在乎他们把我赶出国会 我所在乎的只有你 我刚刚和莫林说了 我要离开她 我希望你和我一起面对 我要下楼去了 在车里等你 我希望你和我在一起 我没想到他这么认真执着 S:我该怎么做 B:去吧 我爱你 S:我也爱你 B:那是什么 S:是我爸爸寄来的几周前就寄到了 还被人拆开了 C:布莱尔 我们得走了 S:走吧 没事 我想一个人待会 你做的没错