

2011-12-02 11:00
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Gossip girl: [---1---]let me give you a hint--couture, quadrilles and cutthroat competition. That's right. It's time for cotillion.
J: This guy's a foot shorter than me.
G`: Here's one that's 6'2".
J: Yeah, and he goes to York. That's practically public school. Have I not impressed on you three how important tomorrow night is? [---2---] I have to be perfect, and that means having the perfect escort.
I told you who I wanted.
G: We tried.
J: Well, try harder. Graham Collins is the hottest guy on the upper east side.
G`: [---3---]
J: Well, you better figure out a way.
Otherwise, [---4---]
Have you been so busy that you've forgotten what time of year it is? It's my debut in society. There's like this bubble of perfection around him that we can't penetrate. tomorrow night I'm taking one of your escorts.
G: 你有没有忙到忘记 今天是什么日子了吧 给你点提示 时装 方舞舞曲 还有残酷的比赛 没错 该举办沙龙舞会了 J:这家伙比我矮了30公分 G`:这儿有一个188公分的 J:是啊 他在约克上学 那根本是个公立学校 我难道没有对你们三人强调 明天晚上很重要吗 这是我的首次亮相 我要做到完美 这就意味着 我要有完美的舞伴 我告诉过你们我想找谁 G:我们努力过了 J:那就更加努力 格雷厄姆·科林斯是上东区是最帅的男人 G`:他周围好像飘着完美的气泡 我们无法靠近 J: 你们最好想个主意 否则 明晚我就抢走你们其中一人的舞伴