

沪江英语 2012-11-08 16:00
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1. Learning. Losers get defensive and don't want to hear about their many failings, so they avoid feedback. Winners are more likely to voluntarily discuss mistakes and accept negative feedback, because they are comfortable that they can win. Because they are confident about the possibility of winning, they see practicing as a route to a positive outcome, not as a punishment.
1. 学习。失败者不想听到他们的失败,从而无法得到有效的反馈。成功者相信自己会赢,所以会自发讨论自己的不足,而且更容易接受负面意见。成功者心态积极,把刻苦训练作为取得胜利的途径,而失败者则把训练视作惩罚。


2. Freedom to focus. As every golfer and tennis player knows, you must keep your eye on the ball. Losers often punish themselves in their heads. Winners have fewer distractions. Golf pro Tiger Woods won nearly every championship until hit with personal problems of his own making, which was followed by loses on the golf course.
2. 全神贯注。高尔夫球和网球运动员都知道,必须把精力高度集中于比赛。失败者往往会被杂念影响,成功者则很少分心。职业高尔夫球员老虎伍兹赢得了几乎所有的冠军,直到因被自己的婚姻问题影响,导致球场上的失败。


3. Positive culture of mutual respect. For anyone who plays on a team, winning makes it easier to respect and listen to one another, because after all, if you win together, then the presumption is that everyone is a good player. Winners can maintain high aspirations and act generously toward others. Losers are more likely to blame others and disdain them as mediocre, creating a culture of finger-pointing and infighting.
3. 积极的团队氛围。如果团队取得胜利,我们会认为每个团队成员都很优秀。所以对于团队成员而言,团队的成功更容易使成员之间相互尊重,彼此信任。成功者比较容易保持良好的心态,更容易信任伙伴。团队的失败则更容易使队员互相指责,互相鄙夷,造成相互指责和内讧的团队氛围。


4. Solid support system. Behind every high performance athlete or team is a cadre of coaches, friends, and fans that fuel motivation. Winning enlarges the circle of backers. Losing erodes support. For instance, the cheerleaders for one perpetually losing college football team used to leave the stadium at half-time. When even their cheerleaders feel they won't win, how can athletes gear up for the next try?
4. 坚实的后盾。每个成功的运动员或团队背后,都有教练、亲友团和粉丝组成的坚强后盾,他们激励运动员不断取得新的胜利。胜利使得支持者的圈子不断扩大,而失败则会挫伤支持者的热情。试想,一个大学橄榄球队表现糟糕,中场休息时,其拉拉队提前离开球场,连他们的拉拉队都不相信他们能赢得比赛,运动员又怎能坚持到最后一刻?


5. Invitations to the best parties. Really. Winners get invited to the White House, Buckingham Palace, key conferences or exhibitions. They gain access to networks and relationships that confer benefits that maintain winners' momentum, such as early information or better deals. Who invites the losers?
5. 进入成功者的交际圈。成功者得到政界要员、重要会议或展览的邀请,进入成功者的圈子,得到相应的关系网,掌握第一手的资讯,获得更好的交易,从中获得利益,保持领先优势。这样的圈子,谁会邀请失败者进入?
