
CCTV News:龙年灯展:春节盛宴

2012-01-19 22:10
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官网日期:01-19-2012 09:00 BJT
原文标题:Lantern Fair: Big feast for festive crowds

Culture Express
Lantern Festival
lunar New Year
Yuyuan Park Lantern Fair(注意: lantern fair跟在地名后面需要大写)
Spring Festival
Qinhuai River
Xiaonian Festival
Welcome back to Culture Express. Although the Lantern Festival doesn't come until the 15th day of the lunar New Year holiday, many lantern fairs start two weeks ahead at the beginning of the New Year. With only days to go, preparations are well underway in many places around China, ensuring that this year's Lantern Festival will be one to remember. At Shanghai's Yuyuan Park, the annual lantern fair will open on the first day of the lunar New Year. To make sure everything goes smoothly, organizers tested the lighting on Tuesday night. A huge dragon lantern breaks the size records in the event's history. The dragon in the center measures 60 meters long, ten meters tall and weighs three tons. Naturally, it attracts all the park visitors. The Yuyuan Park Lantern Fair will entertain locals and tourists alike through the whole Spring Festival holiday, until the 18th day of the first lunar month. The Nanjing Lantern Fair enjoys a national reputation, for it's held by the scenic Qinhuai River. This year's event features a theme of cross-strait exchange. Taiwan artists are invited to display their lanterns here. This 15-meter-high dragon is one of their works. Last but not least, the ancient city of Xi'an held a lantern event during the night of Xiaonian Festival. The fair took place by the ancient city wall. Rich history and legends are blended into various lantern designs, and there are also landmarks from foreign countries to make it a global event. Local opera performances, shadow plays, video games, and of course, dragon dancing gave merrymakers a real night to remember.
欢迎回到文化报道。 虽说农历的正月十五日才迎来元宵节,但很多灯会展在新年前2周就着手准备了。虽然展出时间只有仅仅几天,但为了让今年的元宵节给人留下美好回忆,中国的很多地方都做好了充分的准备。 上海豫园将在农历新年的第一天开放一年一度的元宵博览会。为确保一切都顺利进行,组织者在周二晚上进行了照明测试。此次灯会的龙是有史以来最大的,它长60米、高10米,重3吨。自然吸引了所有的参观者的眼球。 豫园灯会将在整个春节假期之间向公众展示,时间一直持续到正月十八。在此期间它都将接待当地和外地的旅客。 南京灯展因在有名的秦淮河风景名胜区举行而享誉全国。今年的灯展以两岸交流为主题。台湾艺术家受邀参加此次灯盏,其中这条15米高的龙就是他们的作品之一。 最后,来关注一下古都西安,在小年【注:北方大部分地区称腊月二十三/腊月二十四的祭灶节为小年,好像是1月16日】晚上举行了灯盏。举行地设在了古城墙上。悠久的历史和传说被融入到了各种各样的灯笼的设计中,同时灯笼还标记了外国的地标,使它俨然成为一个全球的盛事。地方戏曲表演、皮影戏、视频游戏、当然还有舞龙节目给人带来了一个真切难忘的夜晚。
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