

方小异 2011-10-07 19:00
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Times square

Times Square is a major commercial intersection in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue and stretching from West 42nd to West 47th Streets. The extended Times Square area, also called the Theatre District, consists of the blocks between Sixth and Eighth Avenues from east to west, and West 40th and West 53rd Streets from south to north, making up the western part of the commercial area of Midtown Manhattan.

时报广场,自称为“世界的十字路口”,Times square 常错译为“时代广场”,其实得名于《纽约时报》早期在此设立的总部大楼,是美国纽约市曼哈顿的一块街区,中心位于西42街与百老汇大道交会处,构成曼哈顿中城商业区的西部。这也是纽约剧院最密集的区域,被称为Theater District。1920年开始是时报广场最五光十色的年代,以时代广场大厦为中心,附近聚集了近40家商场和剧院,是繁盛的娱乐及购物中心。


The Broadway theatre district is a popular tourist attraction in New York. According to The Broadway League, Broadway shows sold approximately $1.037 billion worth of tickets in calendar year 2010, compared to $1.004 billion for 2009.

百老汇上的剧院、大量耀眼的霓虹光管广告、以及电视式的宣传版,已经深入成为象征纽约的标志。2004年4月7日时,“时报广场”迎来了它的百年华诞。在百年大庆的开幕式上,纽约亿万富翁市长彭博曾自豪地说“当你同国内或世界上任何人谈起什么是纽约的时候,你可以说百老汇和时报广场就是纽约。”(你没看错,丹尼尔虽然长残了依然在百老汇混的开,在"How to Succeed in Business without Really Trying"中饰演J.Pierrepont Finch)


The NASDAQ Stock Market, also known as the NASDAQ, is an American stock exchange. "NASDAQ" originally stood for "National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations". It is the second-largest stock exchange by market capitalization in the world, after the New York Stock Exchange. As of January 13, 2011, there are 2,872 listings. The NASDAQ has more trading volume than any other electronic stock exchange in the world.

纳斯达克(Nasdaq)是全美证券商协会自动报价系统(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations)英文缩写,目前已成为纳斯达克股票市场的代称。它是一个电子化的证券交易市场,这里仅是代表性的交易中心。其内并没有一般证券交易所常有的各种硬件设施,而是一个大型摄影棚,欧美各国主要财经新闻电视台的记者派驻进行即时行情报道。


Manhattan's workforce is overwhelmingly focused on white collar professions, with manufacturing (39,800 workers) and construction (31,600) accounting for a small fraction of the borough's employment.

曼哈顿中城物价好高,午饭依然是快餐,饮料是root beer。villa餐厅看名字就知道是意大利菜,但做的意面还没有送的小面包好吃。

hello kitty

"The Big Apple" is a nickname for New York City. It was first popularized in the 1920s by John J. Fitz Gerald, a sports writer for the New York Morning Telegraph. Its popularity since the 1970s is due to a promotional campaign by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau, known now as NYC & Company.

Hello Kitty身着星条旗,手捧象征纽约的大苹果。为什么纽约昵称是Big Apple?据说常见的就有四种说法,感兴趣的可以百度之。

Morgan Stanley

Theatres did not arrive in the Times Square area until the early 1900s, and the Broadway theatres did not consolidate there until a large number of theatres were built around the square in the 1920s and 1930s. Broadway's first "long-run" musical was a 50-performance hit called The Elves in 1857.

百老汇的历史可追溯至公元19 世纪初。当时的百老汇大道就已经成为美国戏剧艺术的活动中心。这里的公司和企业主要分为三种:第一是剧院经营商,第二是制作商,第三是节目经纪商。剧院往往数十年如一日地表演同一剧目,比如票房最好的《狮子王》就在且永远在这里。


Although there are now more exceptions than previously, generally shows with open-ended runs have evening performances Tuesday through Saturday with a 7pm or 8pm "curtain" and afternoon "matinée" performances on Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday, at 2pm on Wednesdays and Saturdays and 3pm on Sundays, making an eight performance week. On this schedule, shows do not play on Monday, and the shows and theatres are said to be "dark" on that day.


Forever 21

《芝加哥》于1975年在百老汇上映后,赢得了巨大的成功。在同年戏剧界最重要的托尼奖(Tony Price)评选中,赢得11个奖项提名,最后却令人惊奇的一无所获,被很多人认为是托尼奖的一个耻辱。好在1997年《芝加哥》在百老汇复演时,托尼奖终于承认了它的价值,授予了它六个奖项。可惜鲍勃·福斯已经在10年前的1987年故去了,遗憾的没有看到这一幕。(类似的遗憾太多了,比如诺贝尔各种奖)

