

2010-12-19 10:00
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Christmas came in extravagant fashion to the Muslim desert emirate of Abu Dhabi as a glitzy hotel unveiled a bejewelled Christmas tree valued at more than 11 million dollars on Wednesday.

It is the "most expensive Christmas tree ever," with a "value of over 11 million dollars." The 13-metre (40-foot) faux evergreen is decorated with silver and gold bows, ball-shaped ornaments and small white lights.

But the necklaces, earrings and other jewellery draped around the tree's branches are what give it a record value. It holds a total of 181 diamonds, pearls, emeralds, sapphires and other precious stones. The tree itself is about 10,000 dollars. The jewellery has a value of over 11 million dollars. Probably, this will be another Dubai entry into the Guinness book of world records.


相关热点: 节日 卧底企鹅帮