
李柯做客“非唱不可” 外文歌曲大赛专业DJ带来专业点评

沪江英语 2012-07-09 17:49
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A disc jockey, also known as DJ, is a person who selects and plays music for an audience, some in the TV station or radio, some in the parties such as dance hall.

There are several types of disc jockeys. Radio DJs play music that is broadcast on AM, FM, shortwave, digital, or internet radio stations. Club DJs select and play music in bars, nightclubs. Hip hop disc jockeys select and play music using multiple turntables, often to back up one or more MCs. In reggae, the DJ  is a vocalist who raps, "toasts", or chats over pre-recorded rhythm tracks 
最早的DJ一词,来源于disc jockey,译为唱片骑士,专指哪些为编排舞曲,混音、打碟的那些音乐人。DJ有许多不同的类型,以符合不同的表演场合(比如广播室或舞厅)和不同听众(比如爵士迷或嘻哈迷)的需求。有在俱乐部,夜店,舞厅混音的DJ,还有为主持人做特效的DJ,雷鬼音乐中饶舌或者渲染气氛的歌手等等。我们现在常常提到的DJ指的是在AM,FM,数字频道等等媒介做主持人或者播放音乐的音乐制作人。

Nowadays, with the popularity on Eletronic Music, an increasing number of people put an emphasis on DJs. The annual ranking of world top 100 DJs become the standard to judge a DJ. One of the famous DJ David Guetta won the top place recent years for his attribution in Eletronic Music.
在如今电子音乐盛行的时代,DJ的名声也越来越重要。每年评选的世界百大DJ都成为电子乐迷,或者是音乐人歌手评价DJ的标杆。著名的David Guetta也因为在电子舞曲音乐上的造诣在近两年的排名中拔得头筹。

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