

2011-02-23 16:00
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- Hello? Is anyone here? Hello? Papa? Papa, are you here?
- Momma. There's a girl in the castle!
- Now, Chip, I won't have you making up such wild stories.
- But really, momma, I saw her.
- Not another word. Into the tub.
- A girl! I saw a girl in the castle!
- See, I told ya!
- Irresponsible, devil-may-care, waxy eared, slack-jawed--
- Papa?
- Did you see that? It's a girl!
- I know it's a girl.
- Don't you see? She's the one. The girl we have been waiting for. She has come to break the spell!
- Wait a minute, wait a minute!

1. I won't have you making up such wild stories. 不准你异想天开。
    make up story:瞎编故事,wild story就是我们所说的“奇思异想”;注意这个句式哦:have sb. doing sth.,有强制的语气在里面~
2. devil-may-care:漫不经心的、做事不过脑子的
3. slack-jawed:目瞪口呆的、傻里傻气的
4. She has come to break the spell!
    break the spell:破除魔咒
