This year, we need to keep grain output above 550 million metric tons, and ensure both food security and the supply of major agricultural products.
粮食产量 grain output
粮食安全 food security
1.1万亿斤:550 million metric tons
1公吨 (tonne/metric ton) = 1000公斤
坚守耕地红线,全面开展永久基本农田划定工作,实施耕地质量保护与提升行动,推进土地整治,增加深松土地 2 亿亩。加强农田水利基本建设,大力发展节水农业。
We will make sure that China’s arable land area does not fall below the red line of 120 million hectares. We will carry out work on designating permanent basic cropland throughout the country, launch an initiative to maintain and enhance the quality of cultivated land, improve rural land, improve the subsoil of 13.3 million hectares of cropland, strengthen the building of irrigation and water conservancy facilities, and work hard to develop water-efficient agriculture.
耕地:arable land / cultivated land / rural land / cropland
耕地红线 the red line of 120 million hectares
1公顷 = 15 亩 = 10000平方米
2 亿亩 = 0.2 billion x 1 / 15 hectares = 13.3 million hectares
永久基本农田划定 designating permanent basic cropland
节水农业 water-efficient agriculture
We will step up efforts to develop and expand the use of new technology, new crop varieties, and new agricultural machinery.
推广应用 expand the use of
新品种 new crop varieties
We will guide farmers to adjust what and how much they grow or breed based on market demand. We will offer support for agricultural products to be processed locally, particularly for grain processing in major grain-growing areas, and carry out pilot projects to replace grain crop cultivation with feed crop cultivation.
种养结构 what and how much they grow or breed
就地转化 processed locally
主产区 major grain-growing areas
饲料作物 feed crop
粮食作物 crop
We will comprehensively address problems such as residual traces of chemicals in agricultural products and livestock shipments. We will work to improve the quality of all agricultural products and make our food more safe to eat.
农产品 agricultural products
综合治理 comprehensively address
提高食品安全水平 make our food more safe to eat
Our efforts to build a new countryside should benefit the rural population.
建设 新农村 build a new countryside
广大农民 the rural population
突出加强水和路的建设,今年再解决 6000 万农村人口饮水安全问题,新建改建农村公路 20 万公里,全面完成西部边远山区溜索改桥任务。力争让最后 20 多万无电人口都能用上电。
We will give high priority to building roads and water facilities. This year, we will ensure that 60 million more rural residents gain access to safe drinking water; that 200,000 kilometers of rural roads are built or upgraded; and that bridges are built to replace all ropeways in the western region. We will work toward providing electricity to the over 200,000 remaining people in China who are still without access.
6000 万 : 60 million
20 万公里 : 200,000 kilometers
20 多万: over 200,000
长分句的处理,善用分号: ensure that··· ; that
水和路的建设: building roads and water facilities
解决······饮水安全问题 : ensure that ··· gain access to safe drinking water :重在传达原意而不是照搬原文结构。