

2014-03-10 04:00
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主持: mangiferin

任何疑问欢迎 @mangiferin !

My room at home was too small for me. I barely had room for all the little knickknacks I'd collected over the years. There were so many things I had to pack away in boxes and store in closets all over the house. Oftentimes I didn't quite remember exactly where everything was. There were all the notes my girlfriends and I passed throughout junior high, along with all the goofy poems my first boyfriend paid his friends to write and passed along to me as his originals. I also had a separate box for rose petals collected from past birthdays, Valentine's Days, anniversaries, and proms. I kept all my pictures in neatly organized albums on the bottom shelf of my bookcase.
我在家里的房间很小,偏偏我平时又喜欢搜集一些可爱的小玩意,几年下来,各种各样小玩意就渐渐摆满了我的房间。对那些摆放不下的东西,我只好忍痛将他们打包放进纸箱里,然后再塞进家里大大小小的储物柜里面,通常情况下我都不记得这些东西的具体存放位置。 在这些小玩意当中,有我和初三的女伴们互传的小纸片,还有我的第一任男朋友的蹩脚情诗--还不是他自己写的,是他掏腰包请他的朋友代写的,然后大言不惭地跟我说是他自己写的。我还有一个专门放玫瑰花瓣的箱子,花瓣都是我在历年的生日、情人节、各种周年纪念日和舞会上收集回来的。我还把照片整理成相册,整整齐齐地放在书架的底层上。
相关热点: 高中英语听力