
【新编剑桥商务英语初级】12.1 工作满意度(2/2)

2013-05-07 04:00
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BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: 数字序号3,4不用写 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
Hello. I'm interviewing people about job satisfaction. If you could change one thing in your job, what would it be? Only one thing? Well, I'm quite happy with everything...except for the holidays. In my company, everyone has to take their holidays in July or August. But this is when the schools close for the summer holidays, so all the families go away in these months, and everything is more expensive. If I could go on holiday in June, or September, I would pay less for my hotel room. That would be great. And, of course, the beaches wouldn't be so full of noisy children. Hello. I'm asking people about their jobs. Would you change anything in your job? I suppose there are some things I would change, if I could For example, I'd like to have more responsibility, you know, and work more independently. At the moment, my boss doesn't let me do anything without his approval. I basically follow his orders, all the time. But I'd like to have the opportunity to use my experience and to show him what I can do. Thank you. Excuse me. I'm asking people about their jobs. Are you happy with your job? I haven't got a job. I'm unemployed.
你好。我在做个关于工作满意度的采访。如果你可以改变工作中的一件事情,你会改变什么? 只能改变一件吗?我对工作还算满意,除了休假。我们公司只能在七月或八月休假。但这段时间正好是学校放暑假的时候,所以所有的家庭在这两个月都会出游,然后每样东西都卖得更贵了。如果我能在六月或九月出去旅游,就能少付点房费了。那多好啊。当然,海滩上也不会到处是吵闹的小孩子了。 你好。我在做个关于工作满意度的采访。你愿意在工作中做些改变吗? 我觉得我会改变一些事情,如果可以的话。例如,我想有更多的工作权限,然后更加独立些。现在的情况是我的老板除他允许外,我不能做任何事情。我只能遵从他的指示,一直如此。但我希望能有机会运用我的经验自己处理些事情让他看看我的能力。 谢谢。 你好,我在做个关于工作满意度的采访。您对工作满意吗? 我现在没有工作。我失业了。 o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)