
【新编剑桥商务英语初级】11.4 听力测试第四部分 (1/3)

2013-05-06 04:00
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BEC《新编剑桥商务英语(初级)学生用书(第三版)》 节目每晚21:00更新 450)=450"> Hints: Richard Orson environment-friendly Personal Touch Peter Walker 全文听写,英式拼法 :o)
I'm talking today to Richard Orson, who introduced an environment-friendly policy into his company, Personal Touch, which makes objects for the home. Welcome, Richard. Hello. Tell me, have you always promoted environment-friendly business practices? No, quite the opposite. I used to be convinced that it was bad for business. I thought that you couldn't be environment-friendly and maintain profits at the same time. So what changed your mind? Who, actually. It was my production manager, Peter Walker. He went to a meeting organised by our local business association. At the meeting, Peter heard about how cutting waste would benefit the environment, and it would also reduce costs. Well, afterwards, Peter started thinking more about the environment. And he attended some free seminars, where he learnt how to prepare an environment-friendly policy. What did you think about this?
今天与我对话是的Richard Orson,他本人将环保政策引入了公司,Personal Touch公司,为家庭服务。欢迎Richard。 你好。 请告诉我,您是一直提倡环境友好型经营方式的吗? 不,恰恰相反。我之前一直相信它会对企业不利,我认为企业不可能即环保又能保持利润。 那是什么改变了你的想法? 事实上,是人改变了我。是我们的产品经理,Peter Walker。他参加了一个由我们当地工商协会举办的会议,Peter在会上听到了如何通过减少浪费来对环境有利,同时又能削减开支。然后Peter开始思考更多关于环境的问题。他参加了很多免费的研讨会,在那里他学会了怎样制订一份环保政策。 那您是如何考虑这件事的? o(〃'▽'〃)o水平有限,仅供参考,如有问题,欢迎提出。(etoxczzy)