

2009-09-22 09:56
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According to the Beijing traffic management bureau, 103 people have died in 87 crashes involving drunk drivers in Beijing this year. Under the "zero tolerance" campaign launched by the Ministry of Public Security, drivers who get behind the wheel after drinking face severe penalties.

据北京交管局的统计数据,北京今年共有 87 起酒后驾车引发的车祸致 103 人丧生。在公安部展开的“零容忍”打击行动中,酒后驾车的司机将面临严厉惩罚。

在上面的报道中,zero tolerance 就是指“零容忍”,zero tolerance 来源于 'broken window' theory(破窗理论),就是说 一扇窗户被打破了一直没有人管的话,就会有更多窗户被打破,所以要从开始就对这种行为采取“零容忍”政策,一旦触犯就要严惩。

本文中的 zero tolerance 指对 drunk driving(酒后驾车)采取的决不姑息的政策。为整治 drunk driving,有关部门将对司机展开 random roadside breath testing(路边随机呼气检测),测定 blood-alcohol content(血液酒精浓度),以查处 drunk driver(酒驾司机),暂扣或吊销 driving license(驾照),以减少 traffic fatalities and crashes(交通灾难和事故)。

文中的 (get) behind the wheel 就是指“驾车”,例如 With you behind the wheel, I never get scared.(有你坐在驾驶座开车,我从不会害怕。)
