2011年,这部被国内美剧迷誉为“美国版聊斋”的恐怖灵异类美剧《美国恐怖故事》横空出世,并以“一年一季”的频次稳定输出。 这一次,它虽被疫情耽搁迟到了一年,但专属AHS粉的惊喜和期待还是如约而至,今年万圣节,够胆你就来看——
Double Feature Season 10 (2021) 这一季正如其名“双面”——是由两个故事组成的,分别为《赤潮》(Red Tide)和《死亡谷》(Death Valley)。 从海报上就不难猜到,一个关于外星人,一个……大概就是讲吸血鬼了。为啥美恐这一季突然变成了两个风格迥异的故事了?《Newsweek》贴心的为我们解释了: The fact that American Horror Story Season 10 would be split in two was teased by this season's title, "Double Feature." 《美恐》第十季被分成两个故事的原因,且看它的标题《双面》就能知一二。 AHS creator Ryan Murphy has been teasing that Season 10 would tell two stories since the end of the 1984 season in 2019. In a Variety interview, he said that he was toying with "dealing with two ideas and I lean towards whichever is more in my brain right now." 其实在2019年播出的第九季《美恐:1984》结尾,导演Ryan Murphy就开玩笑说,到了第十季可能要讲两个故事了。在接受Variety 采访时他就戏称“当下脑子里两个都很不错的设想在‘争宠’,自己也在想哪个会更胜一筹。” In doing this, the show is also paying tribute to Hollywood history. The season is named Double Feature after a marketing gimmick movie theaters in the U.S. used to bring people in during the Great Depression and for the next few decades afterwards. 当然了,拍两个故事的做法也是在致敬好莱坞历史。“Double Feature”(双面,双重放映)其实是美国大萧条时期美国影院的一种做法,并在接下来的几十年里亦如此。 A double feature would see a theater offering two films for the price of one. Sometimes this would be a lower-budget "b" picture (which is where the phrase "B-movie" comes from) followed by a higher-budget "a" picture. Other times, it would be two genre movies together, be it sci-fi (which inspired the Rocky Horror song "Science Fiction Double Feature") or horror (which inspired American Horror Story Season 10). “双重放映”即用看一部的钱看两部电影(双片联映),通常以一部低成本B级片作为开幕,然后接着放相对高预算的A类电影。其他时候,也指两种截然不同类型的电影放在一起播,比如科幻(启发了《洛基恐怖秀》的歌曲《Science Fiction Double Feature》的诞生)或是恐怖(比如说,启发了美恐第十季的诞生)。 处在失业边缘的三流编剧男主带着一家三口来到海滨小镇-普罗温斯敦,希望借这里的清静环境激发灵感,安心创作,保一口饭吃。 惨的不止男主一人,他的妻子大着肚子还失业了,准备从事装饰设计类的工作,却一直得不到认可。 女儿也面临着“理想很丰满,现实很骨感”的现状:空有一腔对拉小提琴的热情,奈何天赋有限,家里也请不起私教,默默耕耘却反复不得门道。
偶然的机会,男主被一位剧作家蛊惑,得知了“黑色药丸”的存在,听说只要吃下,就能放大天赋,收获成功: 男主吃了吗?当然。但你作弊了就要付出代价——如果没有定期吸食人血,那你的天赋很快就会枯竭…… 可怕的是,在小镇上还游走着的这些光头尖牙怪,他们的存在似乎和“黑色药丸”有脱不开的关系: 自己的小女儿也在欲望的驱使下服用了药丸,后果更是不堪设想:
“赤潮”在美恐中的存在很特别,很显然,他是一个披着恐怖外衣深耕人性的故事,这也是美恐导演Ryan Murphy在创作瓶颈期做出的一次大胆尝试:
我们将看到大量历史人物出镜,和他们真真假假的都市传说交织在一起: AHS Has Eisenhower Take On Aliens The moment is an attempted explanation of a longstanding mystery about Ike, as in 1954, he really was whisked away from a golf outing in Palm Springs in the middle of the night for what the public was told was a dental emergency. The details of the incident have never been made clear. 美国第34位总统艾森豪威尔身上长期为人所津津乐道的一大谜团,就是1954年,他确实在半夜于棕榈泉外出后消失了,官方对外称他去看了牙医,但其中细节至今依旧是模凌两可。 注:据称,艾森豪威尔的这次外出是为了去爱华斯空军基地秘密会见两名「外星人」。 AHS Introduces Mamie Eisenhower The First Lady is depicted in similarly glowing terms as her husband: quiet, sensible and still deeply in love with Ike after so many years. 这位夫人这些年来为人所赞誉的和他丈夫差不多:话不多,通情达理,和丈夫恩爱多年。 Season 10, Episode 8, "Inside" reveals a dark secret, however. The aliens have taken control over her, and are using her to work their will. 在第十季第八集Inside披露了一大阴谋,就是外星人带走并控制了她,利用她,让她替他们完成心愿。 AHS Solves Amelia Earhart’s Disappearance Of the episode’s three historic figures, Earhart is the most mysterious and perhaps the most deeply connected to American Horror Story’s alien mythology. She and her navigator Fred Noonan mysteriously disappeared in 1937 while attempting to circumnavigate the globe. 在剧中出现的三名历史人物中,埃尔哈特应该是神秘色彩最重,和美恐的外星人传说纠缠最深的一位了。她和领航员努南在1937年环球飞行途中原地消失了。 The presumption was that their plane went down in the Pacific Ocean. Her destination, Howland Island, was a small speck of land, and if she and Noonan missed their navigation point, they would have likely crashed in the ocean and drowned. 有推测称他们的飞机跌落太平洋。她的目的地豪兰岛只是一小块面积的岛屿,如果错失导航点,他们就会直接坠海。 注:埃尔哈特的消失是历史上著名的悬案。在剧中改编为其被外星人抓获并做实验。 走到第十季,美恐在剧迷心中的口碑早已褒贬不一,不过就像豆瓣网友评价的那样,好像每一年等待与它见面的仪式感,胜过了一切: