

沪江原创 2010-09-01 10:08
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Blindfold chess (also known as sans voir) is a way to play chess, whereby play is conducted without the players having sight of the positions of the pieces. This forces players to maintain a mental model of the positions of the pieces.
盲棋(法语中是sans voir,字面意思:without seeing) 的过程中棋手不得看棋盘,所以必须在脑中一一记住棋子的位置。

这里的blindfold chess就是“盲棋”,中国古代既有仙人下盲棋的传说。这个确实是需要非常好的记忆力和逻辑思维。blindfold本意为“蒙住眼睛的”:

I can do it blindfold. 这对我来说易如反掌。

不过,blindfold chess在英语中自然指的是国际象棋,中国象棋旧译作Chinese chess,现在就是直接用拼音Xiangqi来表示。而围棋的英语表达很有意思,是the game of go

