

2010-06-28 15:38
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每年查完分数,大家关心的重点便是各批次的最低录取分数线——the minimum requirement score。比如说:

Some families even immigrate to Vietnam, Singapore, India or another country in order to give their children less stringent university entrance requirements, because the minimum requirement score for international students(students holding a foreign passport) is considerably lower.

查分数的那天,势必是“几家欢喜几家忧”,有些童鞋不得不开始考虑调剂志愿的问题,而有些童鞋能稳进自己的第一志愿——first choice,等着录取通知书的送达,也就是letter of admission。比如说:

1.She sent the good news to her family as soon as she got her letter of admission. 她一拿到录取通知书,就向家里飞报了这一好消息。

2.The post office has made early preparation for the delivering of this year's letters of (college) admission. 邮局对今年高考录取通知书的寄递工作提前做了准备。

每年也总有那么些学生,对自己的分数不甚满意,想再拼搏一年,于是repeat the last year of high school life,进行复读。

而进入大学学习的学生,有些会首先上学校准备的预科课程,preparatory course,就是大学基础预备课程。比如说:

This is a rigorous, college preparatory course in introductory biology and it is accepted by UC (University of California). 这是一堂严格的大学预备课程,也是加州大学入学承认的生物课。
