

2013-03-21 15:15
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BEC VANTAGE 听力训练啦,希望对备考的同学们有所帮助。 全文听写 英式拼法 情景商务英语每日19点更新,BEC中级每日9点更新。 450)=450"> 上一期BEC中级:【BEC中级】考试聚焦之投诉建议 450)=450"> 上一期情景商务英语:【情景商务英语】070 会议议程(二) 本节目订阅地址: 点击订阅更方便。
I've just started in HR so it'll be helpful in the future when departments contact me about finding people to join them. It's amazing how much you can tell about someone by the way they sit or their body language as well as asking the right questions. I also learnt about different methods of testing to assess characters and potential. You often think that people don't understand or wonder why teams don't get on. So it was interesting to think about how we all view the world in different ways. Even down to how we say hello and shake hands or bow. For example, did you know that it's rude to talk about business straight away in Brazil?
我刚刚在HR开始工作,所以它在以后会有帮助当企业部门联系我叫我找人加入他们的时候。这非常的神奇通过人们的坐姿、他们的身体语言和他们回答问题的方式来知道他们的一些情况。我还学到通过不同的测试方法来评估人们的性格和潜力。 你有时认为人们不明白和疑惑为什么团队不能相处融洽。所以用不同方法去看世界是很有趣的。甚至是我们怎么问好,怎么握手或者鞠躬。例如,你知道在巴西直接谈论商业是粗鲁的行为吗?