

2010-02-02 16:26
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Dr David Dosa, a geriatrician and assistant professor at Brown University, said that five years of records showed Oscar rarely erring, sometimes proving medical staff at the New England nursing home wrong in their predictions over which patients were close to death.

David Dosa 医生是位老年医学专家,也是布朗大学的助理教授,他说根据五年的记录,在新英格兰看护之家的猫猫奥斯卡很少犯错,有时候还能证明是医护人员在判定病人是否濒临死亡时犯了错。

The cat, now five and generally unsociable, was adopted as a kitten at the Steere House Nursing and Rehabilitation Centre in Providence, Rhode Island, which specialises in caring for people with severe dementia.


Dr Dosa first publicised Oscar's gift in an article in the New England Journal of Medicine in 2007. Since then, the cat has gone on to double the number of imminent deaths it has sensed and convinced the geriatrician that it is no fluke.

Dosa 第一次公开发表这只猫的天赋是在2007年的《新英格兰医学杂志》上。从那时候起,这只猫已经把预知死亡的次数翻倍了,它向老年医学专家证明了自己不是侥幸的。

The tortoiseshell and white cat spends its days pacing from room to room, rarely spending any time with patients except those with just hours to live.


If kept outside the room of a dying patient, Oscar will scratch on the door trying to get in.


When nurses once placed the cat on the bed of a patient they thought close to death, Oscar "charged out" and went to sit beside someone in another room. The cat's judgement was better than that of the nurses: the second patient died that evening, while the first lived for two more days.


Dr Dosa and other staff are so confident in Oscar's accuracy that they will alert family members when the cat jumps on to a bed and stretches out beside its occupant.

Dosa 医生和其他员工对奥斯卡的准确率很有信心,只要奥斯卡跳上一位病人的床开始伸爪去碰这位病人的时候,他们就会通知病人的家属。

"It's not like he dawdles. He'll slip out for two minutes, grab some kibble and then he's back at the patient's side. It's like he's literally on a vigil," Dr Dosa wrote.

Dosa 医生写道,“他不是游手好闲四处乱走的,他会溜走两分钟,找点粗粮什么的然后回来呆在病人的旁边,看上去他像在做监护。”

Dr Dosa noted that the nursing home keeps five other cats, but none of the others have ever displayed a similar ability.

Dosa 医生注意到这家看护之家另外还养了五只猫,但是没有一只显示出有和奥斯卡类似的能力。

In his book, "Making rounds with Oscar: the extraordinary gift of an ordinary cat", Dr Dosa offers no solid scientific explanation for Oscar's behaviour.

在他《在奥斯卡身边:一只平凡猫的超凡能力》一书中,Dosa 医生没有为奥斯卡的行为提供任何合理的科学解释。

He suggests Oscar is able - like dogs, which can reportedly smell cancer - to detect ketones, the distinctly-odoured biochemicals given off by dying cells.


Far from recoiling from Oscar's presence, now they know its significance, relatives and friends of patients have been comforted and sometimes praised the cat in newspaper death notices and eulogies, said Dr Dosa.

Dosa 医生说,就算知道了事情的重要性,病人们的家人和朋友也并没有害怕奥斯卡的出现。奥斯卡给他们带来了安慰,有时他们还会在报上的讣告和悼词中表扬它。

"People were actually taking great comfort in this idea, that this animal was there and might be there when their loved ones eventually pass. He was there when they couldn't be," he said.



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