

某柒 2010-02-01 09:32
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We dug in and held you Yankees off for two days.
dug in 挖战壕
hold off 抵挡
Yankee 【俚语】北佬,南北战争时期对于北方军队的鄙称

I was swimming with elephants in the Andaman Islands, when out of nowhere,Padme swan dives off a cliff,nearly killing both of us.
out of nowhere 不知从哪儿冒出来的
swan dive 燕式跳水

Andaman Islands 安达曼群岛是孟加拉湾与安达曼海之间的岛群,是近年来渐有人气的潜水胜地。好漂亮哇~~

I thought you believed in love at first sight.
love at first sight 一见钟情

You don't say. 
you don't say 真的假的啊!

Completely relevant to the matter at hand,I believe. 
the matter at hand 手头的事儿 the subject or situation being considered

- Some male spiders are known to actually to pluck their webs,like a guitar,to attract the females.  
- Someone should tell them,it's drummers that get the girls. 

That along with hotwiring cars and stealing cable.
hotwire cars 用电线启动车辆
柒试试看能不能解释清这个词的意思哈,在美剧和电影里有见过这样的事情。车钥匙掉了或者需要偷车逃亡的时候,就会打开车前盖,用引擎里头的电线啥的捣鼓一下就能开动车辆引擎了。后面说的steal cable则是偷有线电视看,就是指免费收看那些需要收费的电视台吧?Wow,身为执法人员,Booth同学当年也是一个作奸犯科的主儿啊。敢情他是被招安的。
- You think your brother's girlfriend is hinky? Is that slang for pretty or buxom?  
- No,it's just slang for iffy.
- Well,iffy is already slang. I don't see the need for slang for slang.  
- The point is,there was just a-a hinky vibe between me and her.
hinky 【俚语】不对劲 Something as yet undefinable is wrong, out of place; not quite right.
iffy 【俚语】可疑的 full of unresolved points or questions
vibe 感应,共鸣

一小段里面相当多的小俚语,还有“俚语的俚语”according to Brennan。

He only just got sober.
get sober 戒酒

《识 骨寻踪》原创学习美剧使用口语学习笔记
相关热点: 英语国际音标