

鑫微(译) 2010-01-20 18:34
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6 Ways to Stay Awake at Work Without Caffeine

Need toothpicks to keep your eyes open at work? If you're trying to kick the caffeine habit for the New Year, don't fret! There's no need to drag yourself to the coffee machine for a high-octane cup of joe.

Just follow these tips for a caffeine-free work day:

1. Strut your stuff. Studies show that taking a 20-minute walk can boost your energy levels and decrease fatigue. Low-impact exercise seems better than higher impact exercise for fatigue levels, so you don't have to be a power walker to see benefits. Another plus is people who exercise tend to sleep better (and not at work!).

How: Just put on some comfy shoes and take a decent-paced walk! Only 20 minutes should rev up your energy levels.

2. Involve your ears. Listening to music while you work can help keep you awake and increase your concentration levels, experts say.

How: Pop on some comfy headphones -- nothing with speakers if you work with other people -- and see what kind of music works best for your productivity. For some people it's Bach. For others it's Lady Gaga. It's a highly individual thing, and can even vary for you depending on the task at hand.
方法:准备一个戴上去很舒服的耳机,如果你和其他人在一起共事的话就不要戴扬声器,然后去发掘看看哪种音乐最能够提高你的工作效率。对有些人来说巴赫的乐曲能够提高效率,而对其他人来说则是Lady Gaga。这在很大程度上是由个人决定的,而且也会根据你手头上正在进行的工作而不同。

3. Give your eyes a break. If you don't take breaks from your computer you can end up with headaches, tired and sore eyes -- and fatigue. A brief, well-timed eye break can keep your eyes happy.

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