

2013-02-04 01:30
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A: __1__.
B: Not to be shared?
A: Your achievement in earning it profound.
B: __2__.
A: My actions only set you to the task. By depriving Theokoles of his life, you put end to a battle left unfinished by my sword. And end to my shame..
B: __3__. A debt not soon forgotten.
A: There is no balance between us. Only the promise of future glory.
B: Are candles permitted? Sura was always fond of them.
A: You misunderstand. This cell is for you alone. Wives are not permitted to live among us.
B: __4__?
A: In the villa. Kept safe and well in return for good service to the Domina.
B: As a slave.
A: As are we all. But you rise quickly, unlike any other I’ve ever witnessed. Continue your ascent, and you will gain freedom. __5__.
Yours alone Made possible by your instruction I live to see my wife again, because of you Then where will she stay For both of you
A:给你住的房间。 B:没有别人了? A:这是你值得的。 B:没你的指导不可能成功。 A:我只帮你赢得了上场机会而已。但杀掉Theokoles,你替我完成了未尽之战。也结束了我的羞耻的历史。 B:多亏你,我才有活着见到妻子的机会。这个恩情我永世铭记。 A:我们之间不谈恩情。只要记得为荣誉而战。 B:可以点蜡烛吗?Sura总喜欢点着蜡烛。 A:你误会了。只有你能住在这里。妻子不能和我们住在一起。 B:那她住哪儿? A:房子里。要服侍好主人能保证生命安全作为回报。 B:作为奴隶来服侍。 A:就想我们一样。但你的地位升得太快,和以往我所知道的任何一个人都不同。继续保持这势头,你就能获得自由了。你们俩都能自由。
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