
[六级词汇] CET6淘金词汇第三十一课 lesson31

2007-02-04 09:49
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ample a.足够的; 宽敞的,面积大的
We have ample money for the journey. ;我们有足够的钱去旅行.

biography n.传记
A biographer tends to flatter the person he intends to write about in his biography. ;传记作者常常在传记中美 化他的传主.

brisk a.轻快的,生机勃勃的; 兴隆的,繁忙活跃的; 寒冷而清新的
Britney Spears speaks in a brisk tone, drawing everyone's attention. ;布瑞特妮.斯皮尔斯讲话 声调轻快,引人注目.

bronze n.青铜;青铜色;青铜 (艺术)制品,铜牌
King David's statue was made of bronze and it attracted many sculptors. ;大卫王的塑像是用青铜 铸造的,吸引了无数的雕 塑家.

captive a.被俘虏的,被捕获的 n.俘虏
Lying in my hospital bed, ;躺在医院里的病床上,
I was a captive audience to these uninteresting old stories. ;我只好听那些乏味的旧 故事.

Catholic a.天主教的; [C普通的,广泛的 n.天主教徒
Most non-Christians find it hard to under- stand why a Catholic isn't a Protestant. ;非基督徒很难理解天主 教徒与基督教徒有什么 不同.

commend vt.表扬,称赞;推荐
We should commend good people and good deeds. ;我们应当表扬好人好事.

deem vt.认为,视为
Murdock deemed it was time for a change,so he quit the Time- Warner Corporation. ;默多克觉得是换换环境的 时候了,于是辞职离开了 时代-华纳公司.

doom n.厄运,劫数 vt.注定,命定
With its natural habitat shringking day by day, ;随着它的栖息地日益萎 缩,
the species is doomed to extinction. ;这个物种命中注定要 灭绝.

drought n.干旱,旱灾
When a drought wrecks havoc,millions of people are compelled to run for life. ;当旱灾肆虐的时候,数百 万的人被迫将流离失所.

endeavor n.努力,尽力,尝试
Sweden has failed in its endeavor to rank among the world powers in table tennis. ;瑞典本想在世界乒乓球 强国中占有一席之地, 但是失败了.

endow vt.资助,捐赠,向…捐钱 (或物)(~with)给予, 赋予,认为具有某种特质
Great musicians like Mozart and Beethoven certainly were endowed with musical talent. ;像莫扎特,贝多芬一类的 伟大音乐家确实具有音乐 天赋.

feminine a.女性的,女子的; 女子气的
Michael Jackson has a feminine face after the face-lifting. ;整容后,迈克尔.杰克逊 有着一张女性气质的脸.

formulate vt.构想出(计划、方法等 规划(制度等);系统 地(或确切地)阐述
The idea of setting up this corporation was formulated over coffee. ;喝咖啡的时候,设立该 公司的想法形成了.

gossip n.流言蜚语;爱说长道短 的人; vi.传播流言蜚语, 说长道短
It is ridiculous that here newspapers are read mainly for their gossip columns. ;真滑稽,这里的人们读报 主要是冲着闲话栏目而去

heritage n.遗产,继承物,传统
Every generation has the duty to pass down heritage of knowledge from the past. ;每一代人都有责任把过去 继承的知识传下去.

imperative a.必要的,紧急的, 极重要的;命令的 n.必要的事必须完成的 事;祈使语气
It is absolutely imperative that the whole international community ;国际社会共同行动,
works together to stop polluting the earth. ;制止环境污染是极为 必要的.

lame n.跛的,瘸的;站不住脚 的,差劲的,蹩脚的
Sleeping too long is a lame excuse for being late. ;睡过了头不能成为迟到 的充足理由.

mash vt.(~up)把…捣成糊状 n.糊状物
Mother mashed the potatoes and made a potato cake. ;妈妈把土豆捣成糊状, 做了土豆饼.

mock vt.嘲笑,嘲弄; (为了取笑)模仿 vi.嘲笑,嘲弄 a.模拟的,演习的;假的,
He made us laugh by mocking the way the teacher spoke. ;他模仿老师说话的样子, 把我们都逗笑了.

nickel n.镍;(美国和加拿大的) 五分钱,五分镍币
To buy that pudding, the poor old gentleman counted out dimes, nickles,and cents. ;为了买那个布丁,那位可 怜的老先生数出了一堆1 角、5分、1分面值的硬币
Don't take any wooden nickels. ;[美(临别用语) 再见,多加小心.

oath n.誓言,誓约; 咒骂,诅咒语
A new prime minister should take an oath to rule by the constitution. ;新首相需宣誓遵守宪法.

paralyze vt.使瘫痪,使麻痹; 使丧失作用; 使惊谔,使呆若木鸡
The electricity failure paralyzed the train service. ;电力中断使得列车无法 运行.

pope n.[常the P(天主教) 教皇,罗马主教
The Pope holds the hightest position of the Roman Catholic Church. ;教皇在罗马主教堂中的 地位最高.

reap vt.收割,收获; 获得,得到
They are just shameless:we invented the idea and they reaped its profit. ;他们真是寡廉鲜耻:主意 是我们想出来的,好处却 被他们占了.

reminder n.使人忆起某事之物 (人);提示
If they don't pay their bills,send them a reminder. ;如果他们拖欠帐单不付, 给他们送一张催帐单去.
This album is the only reminder left of my college days. ;惟有这本相册能让我想起 大学时光.

shabby a.破旧的;衣衫褴褛的; 卑鄙的,不公平的
She looks rather shabby in that shabby old dress. ;她穿着那件破旧的裙子 显得寒酸.

silicon n.硅
Silicon Valley has been hailed as a symbol of creativity and success. ;硅谷作为创新与成功的象 征而被人们推崇.

sovereign n.君主,元首 a.至高无上的, 拥有最高统治权的 具有独立主权的
The true sovereigns of a country are those who determine its mode of thinking. ;国家的真正领袖是那些 决定该国思想方式的人.

successor n.接替的人或事物, 继任者
J.F.Kennedy Sr. would have blown his top ;老肯尼迪会气冲牛斗
at hearing what his unworthy successor had done. ;要是老肯尼迪知道他卑 鄙的继任者的所作所为 的话.

witch n.女巫,巫婆
Why are witches always depicted as bad in fairy tales? ;为什么在童话里巫婆总 是邪恶的代表呢?