

Nellie Andreeva 2016-12-14 06:00
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Marco Polo has come to an end. Netflix has opted not to renew the drama series about the famous 13th century merchant and explorer for a third season. Marco Polo, which launched in 2014, was the first Netflix original series developed in the US for the global market.

Created by John Fusco, it was inspired by Marco Polo’s early years in the court of Kublai Khan. It attracted sizable viewership in its first season, earning a second season renewal, but the second season, released in July, was more quiet.
创剧人John Fusco受启于马可波罗早期在可汗忽必烈麾下做臣子的故事。第一季反响非常大,获得了续订,但7月回归的第二季就不怎么吸引人了。

