

Hollywood may be full of stars, but it's the chillest lizards in town that are stealing all the spotlight.

Their names are Baby Love and Buddy Love and like any other celebrity they can be found soaking up the California sun at an outdoor cafe on any average day.
他们的名字叫做Baby Love和Buddy Love,和所有的明星一样,他们喜欢在闲暇之际坐在室外的咖啡厅里,享受加州的阳光。

Veterans of the fame game, the two iguanas are totally calm as fan after fan pulls out their iPhone to snap a picture as they relax on their custom purple lounge chairs sitting right there on the table.

They're not even fazed when their owner rotates their chairs, continuing to sprawl their legs out and lie their head on their hands in a pose as if to say: 'Draw me like one of your French girls'.


Henry Schifberg has been taking care of lizards since 1982.

With sometimes as many as 50 in his house at one time, Henry said he soon realized that once lizards feel comfortable in a environment they begin to develop a human-like trust in it.
