
纯卖萌:动物新生儿世界第一可爱 心都酥了

2016-01-05 11:43
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Thousands of precious baby animals were born last year, and because there's nothing you'd rather do than ogle at their cuteness, here are just some of the newborns from zoos and aquariums around the world.

These photos from ZooBorns, which helps build awareness for conservation, show more than just furry faces, though; many of their species are endangered in the wild. A baby red panda was born at the Detroit Zoo on June 22 to 10-year-old mother Ta-Shi and 6-year-old father Shifu.

A pygmy slow loris was born at the Columbus Zoo on June 9.

Clouded leopard quadruplets were born at Point Defiance Zoo & Aquarium on May 12 to mom, Chai-Li, and father, Nah-Fun.
五月十二号,Point Defiance动物园水族馆的母云豹柴丽和公云豹纳方迎来了他们的四只小云豹宝宝。

Three Chacoan peccary babies were born at the Knoxville Zoo on Sept. 6 to parents Butternut and Squash.

Five critically endangered Cuban crocodiles hatched at the Reptile Discovery Center of the Smithsonian’s National Zoo between July 29 and Aug. 7 to 57-year-old mother, Dorothy.

Seven cheetah cubs were born at the Allwetterzoo Münster on April 28 to mother, Namoja.
四月二十八日Allwetterzoo Münster动物园的母非洲猎豹Namoja产下了七只小非洲猎豹宝宝。

Two sengis – also known as round-eared elephant shrews – were born at the Chester Zoo in August.

 科学家发现新物种 圆耳象鼩萌翻!

An emperor tamarin was born at the Schönbrunn Zoo in Vienna on April 26.

Three baby Gentoo penguins were born at the Tennessee Aquarium at the end of June.

