

Tedd Addison 2015-09-21 12:02
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Members of these Elite Forces are not ordinary soldiers! They are trained to be the best of the best, and are expected to accomplish tough tasks!

Here are the top 5 Best Special Forces in the World.


The Gruppo di Intervento Speciale (GIS) is an elite airborne special operations counter-terrorism tactical response unit. It is part of the Italian Carabinieri military police. Created in 1978 by the Italian State Police, the unit is globally known for its sharp marksmanship. It was established to combat terrorism threat. GIS has around 100 soldiers and is tasked with anti-terrorism operations and security services. It has three operational sections and one sniper/reconnaissance team. Every section is divided into a detachment of four men. At any time, there will be a section ready to leave the base in 30 minutes.
GIS特别干预小组(意大利语Gruppo di Intervento Speciale)是一支空降特种反恐机动反应部队,隶属于意大利军事警察的一部分。自1978年意大利国家警察局创设了这支队伍以来,它就以射击技术非凡而享誉全球。这支队伍的创设目的是抵御恐怖主义威胁。GIS拥有约100名士兵,一直负责反恐和安全服务。它包括3个防空作战组和一个狙击手/侦察队,共四个分区。每个分区构成一支由四名男子组成的分队。如此一来,在任何时间都能保证有一支分队能在30分钟内出发离开营地。这个秘密部队自创立以来参与过反恐行动,保护过重要人物。GIS与世界上许多特种部队(比如SAS和GIGN)保持良好关系。



2.Shayetet 13
Shayatet 13 is the naval Special Forces unit of the Israeli Navy. It shares the Israeli Army motto “Never Again” (referring to Holocaust). This elite naval commando unit resembles US Army’s Delta Force. Members of Shayetet 13 specialize in sea-to-land incursions, counter-terrorism, sabotage, maritime intelligence gathering, maritime hostage rescue and boarding. The unit has taken part in almost all of Israel’s major wars. It is one of the most secretive units in the world. The details of Shayetet 13’s missions and identities of active operatives are kept highly classified.
Shayetet 13突击队是隶属于以色列海军的一支海军特殊部队。它遵循着以色列军队的口号“历史永不重现”(意指屠犹浩劫)。这个精英海军突击部队与美国军队的三角州特种部队类似。Shayetet 13突击队的成员尤其善于海对陆进攻、反恐、破坏设施、海事情报收集以及海上解救人质与登船突袭等作战类型。在列次以色列参战的重大战事中几乎每次都有这支队伍的参与。它是世界上最神秘的队伍之一。Shayetet 13突击队所执行任务的细节和其活动特工的资料都属于高机密资料。



Jednostka Wojskowa GROM (JW GROM) is Poland’s elite counter-terrorism unit. Founded on July 13, 1990, this unit is one of the five special operations units of the Polish Armed Forces. Candidates applying to serve in JW GROM have to pass psychological and durability tests, truth test and field test. The members of this unit are trained to respond to threats from terrorists. Currently JW GROM has around 450 men. They are organized in squads of four. The unit’s motto is “For you, Fatherland!”
Jednostka Wojskowa机动反应作战部队(JW GROM)是波兰的精英反恐部队。这支队伍成立于1990年6月13日,是波兰军队的5个特种作战部队之一。JW GROM的候选人必须通过心理测试和耐力测试、测谎和实地演练测试。这支部队接受的训练以应对恐怖袭击为目的。目前JW GROM约有450名男性成员。他们四人一组。这个部队的格言是“为了你,祖国!”。



National Gendarmerie Intervention Group (GIGN) is a special operations unit of the French Armed Forces. It is trained to perform counter-terrorist and hostage rescue missions. GIGN was created after the Munich massacre in the 1972 Olympic Games. It was formed in 1973. Its members are trained and equipped to respond to extremely violent attacks. The unit is headquartered in Satory, Yvelines, France, and has around 400 operators. GSN’s motto is “To save lives without regard to one’s own.” Intervention force, observation and search force and security and protection force are the three distinct parts of the unit.

Delta Force

5.Delta Force

Popularly known as Delta Force, the 1st Special Forces Operational Detachment-Delta (1st SFOD-D) was approved in 1997 after numerous terrorist incidents in the United States of America. Its primary tasks are direct action, counter-terrorism and national intervention operations. To be a part of Delta Force, an individual should undergo rigid physical and mental tests. After clearing these tests, the person is permitted to enter into the actual six-month training program.
