

沪江英语 2014-09-07 15:49
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Ah, the circle of life. Thirty years ago, Bill Gates visited Nokia to check out its latest MikroMikko personal computer — competition to IBM's own line of (Microsoft-powered) PCs in the ‘80s. No one could have guessed back then that IBM would bow out of the PC hardware market and that Microsoft would buy Nokia itself decades later. There is one thing we should have seen coming, however: those large-frame glasses were always destined to fall out of style.
哈,这就是所谓的风水轮流转吧。30年前,比尔盖茨造访了诺基亚,为的是去看一看当时诺基亚最新的个人电脑MikroMikki ——这玩意儿其实是IBM 80年代个人电脑产品(装载微软系统)的竞品。可当时没人会预料到,IBM之后会拱手让出自己的个人电脑硬件业务,也没有人想到微软在几十年之后收购了诺基亚。但是,有一样事情我们当时是应该预料到的:他们戴的大框眼镜是注定要过时的。

相关热点: 英语听力 比尔盖茨 从句