
林肯公园震撼新单《Until It's Gone》

沪江英乐 2014-07-15 10:04
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沪江英乐:城市与混凝土的监狱,困惑你悸动已久的心,苍白脆弱外强中干,林肯公园的一曲《Until It's Gone》唱出了这个星球上人们的疑惑与悲哀,苦苦追寻的价值与辛苦建设的繁华,到头来不过是竹篮打水,直到它消亡,你才能赎回最本真的自我。

【林肯公园震撼新单《Until It's Gone》】


A fire needs a space to burn
A breath to build a glow
I've heard it said a thousand times
But now I know

That you don't know what you've got
Oh you don't know what you've got
No you don't know what you've got
Until it's gone
Until it's gone
Until it's gone

I thought I kept you safe and sound
I thought I made you strong
But something made me realize
That I was wrong

'Cause finding what you got sometimes
Means finding it alone
And I can finally see your light
When I let go

'Cause you don't know what you've got
Until it's gone
Until it's gone
Until it's gone

Until it's gone
Until it's gone
Until it's gone
Until it's gone
Until it's gone

'Cause you don't know what you've got
Oh you don't know what you've got
No you don't know what you've got
It's your battle to be fought
No you don't know what you've got
'Til it's gone
'Til it's gone
'Til it's gone 
