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第二章 家庭保护

第八条 父母或者其他监护人应当依法履行对未成年人的监护职责和抚养义务;不得虐待、遗弃未成年人;不得歧视女性未成年人或者有残疾的未成年人;禁止溺婴、弃婴。
Article 8 The parents or other guardians of minors shall fulfil their responsibility of guardianship and their obligations according to law to bring up the minors. They shall not maltreat or forsake the minors, nor shall they discriminate against female or handicapped minors. Infanticide and infant-abandoning shall be forbidden.

第九条 父母或者其他监护人应当尊重未成年人接受教育的权利,必须使适龄未成年人按照规定接受义务教育,不得使在校接受义务教育的未成年人辍学。
Article 9 The parents or other guardians of minors shall respect the minors' right to receive education, must ensure to the minors of school age the compulsory education as provided by relevant regulations, and shall not make minors receiving compulsory education at school discontinue their schooling.

第十条 父母或者其他监护人应当以健康的思想、品行和适当的方法教育未成年人,引导未成人进行有益身心健康的活动。预离和制止未成年人吸烟、酗酒、流浪以及聚赌、吸毒、卖淫。
Article 10 The parents or other guardians of minors shall cultivate the minors in sound ideology and conduct by appropriate methods, guide them to undertake activities that are conducive to their physical and mental development, prevent and stop them from smoking, excessive drinking, leading a vagrant life, gambling, drug-taking or prostitution.

第十一条 父母或者其他监护人不得允许或者迫使未成人结婚,不得为未成年人订立婚约。
Article 11 The parents or other guardians of minors may not permit or force the minors to marry, nor may they undertake an engagement for the minors.

第十二条 父母或者其他监护人不履行监护职责或者侵害被监护的未成年人的合法权益的,应当依法承担责任。
Article 12 The parents or other guardians of minors who refuse to perform their duties as guardians or encroach upon the lawful rights and interests of the minors under their guardianship shall bear the responsibility therefor according to law.

Where the parents or other guardians of minors commit any act specified in the preceding paragraph and refuse to mend their ways after education, the people's court may, upon application by the person(s) or unit(s) concerned, disqualify them as guardians and designate guardians anew in accordance with the provisions in Article 16 of the General Principles of the Civil Law.
