

沪江英语编译 2012-10-06 09:00
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Today's advice comes from business attorney Nina Kaufman:
今天MBA小课堂的嘉宾是商业律师Nina Kaufman:

"The first important thing you need to think about is what you need a partner for, which means you need to look into your target really carefully and figure out what your strengths and weaknesses are. There's an old expression that goes, 'If the two of you agree on everything, then one of you is redundant.'"

Kaufman firmly believes in the importance of test-driving your potential partners before bringing them on board. She advises working on several small projects with them to get an up-close feel for their vibe, work ethic and ability to collaborate with others.
Kaufman 坚信,在和他人合作之前做一些测试是绝对有必要的。她建议说,可以和未来合伙人一起合作完成一些小的项目,从而更好地了解他们工作的氛围,职业道德和与他人合作的能力。

References are also important, as some people may appear to be a good fit just to get the job. Talking to other people who have done business with them will save you the trouble of finding out that they aren't the right fit for you after all. You want to make sure that you'll be working with someone who is dedicated and did not end on bad terms with their previous partner or employer.

"You want to make sure that your partner has complimentary skills that can help get your business off the ground. Talk to people who have worked with this potential partner before to see whether or not they met deadlines and were reliable."



相关热点: 英语听力 四级口语