
捏面人niē miànrén: Dough Figurine

2016-07-12 09:34
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Niē miànrén shì zhōngguó chuántǒng de mínjiān shǒugōng yì, céngjīng guǎngfàn de zài quánguó gèdì liúchuán, tèbié bèi háizǐ men suǒ xǐ’ài.
Dough Figurine, a traditional Chinese art craft, used to be popular among children all over China.

Miànrén de yuánliào yìbān yòng miànfěn hé nuòmǐ fěn yǐjí gèzhǒng cǎisè yánliào tiáozhì ér chéng de, jīng shǒugōng niēzhì chéng gèzhǒng rénwù 、dòngwù, suǒ niē chū de miànrén yǒu zhe nóngyù de shēnghuó qìxī hé dìfāng tèsè. Zài guòqù, niē miànrén de shīfù tōngcháng huì bēi zhe xiǎo mùxiāng zǒujiē chuànxiàng. Rúguǒ yù dào gùkè, tā jiù huì dǎkāi xiāngzǐ, xiàn niē xiàn mài. Tóngshí, tā de shēnbiān tōngcháng huì wéi zhe hěnduō de xiǎo háizǐ, tāmen rènwéi guānkàn niē miànrén kě suàn shàng shì zhǒng shìjué xiǎngshòu. Wǔyán liùsè de miàn tuán, bèi niēmiàn shīfù suíshǒu yìbāi, fù zài yìgēn xiǎo mùgùn shàng niē chū yígè lúnkuò, zài yòng qítā yánsè de miàntuán jīngguò cuō 、niē 、yā 、àn děng duō zhǒng shǒu fǎ niē chū wǔguān hé sìzhī, ránhòu, zài jièzhù dāozǐ 、yáqiān 、xìxiàn děng gōngjù jìnxíng xì jiāgōng, yígè miànrén jiù zhè me shénqí de chéngxíng le. Dànshì xiànzài, zhèzhǒng chǎngjǐng tōngcháng zhī néng zài měinián chūnjié de miàohuì shàng cái néng kàndào.
The dough figurine is a mixture of flour, glutinous rice flour and various colors, pinched into various figurines of people and animals. In the past, the dough figurine masters often carried a small box and walked around Hutong. If he met somebody who wanted to buy dough figurine, he would stop and make some on the spot. In no time, he would be surrounded by children watching him pinching. It was indeed a visual enjoyment. He pinched the colorful dough and attached it to a small stick and by techniques of rubbing, pinching, and pressing, the rough shape of a figurine then came into being. Then the master would refine it through tools of knife, thread and toothpick. A nice dough figurine was well done. But now, one can only see this traditional art craft on temple fair.

New words:
面人miàn rén:dough figurine
捏niē:to pinch
箱子xiāng zǐ:cases
庙会miào huì:temple fair
手工艺shǒu gōng yì:handicraft art 
