
How to Start a Sina Blog

2015-12-03 09:33
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If you're looking to start a blog in Chinese, you have a lot of options. But one of the most popular and longest-running options is Sina.  

As a blogger who has been writing for past 6 years, I think if you want to learn Chinese language and culture, Sina blogging is a great place to start. Millions of Chinese users are already there blogging away, so why not join them? 

Here you can read others’ travelling experiences, play God when you answer English learners’ language  questions, and be spoiled by kind Chinese netizens who want to make foreign friends. Sounds like fun, right? 

Now let’s look at how to open your own space on Sina Blog:

1.   Visit ;  

2.   Click on the 开通新博客(kāi tōng xīn bó kè )(“Open a new blog") button. It's in the center of the page, right under the big orange navigation bar.

3.   This takes you to the first page of registration. You can create a Sina account if you like, but if you don't want to, click on the little gray link near the top that says "用常用邮箱注册(yòng cháng yòng yóu xiāng zhù cè )". This will allow you to register using your existing email instead of creating a new Sina one.

4.   This takes you to a form. Here's how to fill it in:

      o  您的邮箱地址(nín de yóu xiāng dì zhǐ  ), your email address:

      o  登录密码(dēng lù mì mǎ), your password(6-16 letters and/or numbers):

      o  再次输入密码(zài cì shū rù mì mǎ) Confirm your password:

      o  昵称(nì chēng),your nickname/username:

      o  输入验证码(shū rù yàn zhèng mǎ)verification code(click in the text box and the code will appear):

      o  提交(tí jiāo)click on this button to submityour registration.

5.    Check your email, and click on the link in the email you recieve from Sina to confirm your registration. Congrats, your Sina blog is now ready to go!

6.   In the future, when you want to log in to your blog, you can log in directly from the Sina blog homepage. On the left, under the orange navigation bar, you'll see two fields to fill in: 

        o  登录名(dēng lù míng), your username.

        o  密码(mì mǎ), your password.

        o  Then click on 登录(dēng lù )to log in.

Happy blogging, everyone!
