
宅神们 十一长假准备怎么过?

沪江英语编译 2011-09-26 11:26
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Instead of going to some tropical isle and spending a bundle on airfare, you can have a romantic staycation with your honey at home. Here are a few of our suggestions if you'd like to stick to the area for your couple's staycation.

romantic meals for your staycation

Fix or bring a catered meal home. Add a few candles and the right music for a little romance. It helps also to have the kids be whisked away by grandparents.

One of the most romantic things you can do is to have everything arranged. Tell your spouse that there will be a romantic evening, have them go out for the day and come back at the appointed time.

local b&bs and hotels

You can relax at a local B&B or high end hotel for at least part of your staycation. Because you haven't spent any cash on travel costs, you might be able to stay somewhere local that would normally be out of your price range. It will also get you to look at your city in a new way--you can be the tourist.

Remember, you can have a romantic staycation anytime. Whether it's one day on a weekend or several over a week, you can add a little romance to your relaxation.


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