

2024-04-11 22:09
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  1. Hi!(嗨!)
  2. Hello!(你好!)
  3. Good morning!(早上好!)
  4. Good afternoon!(下午好!)
  5. Good evening!(晚上好!)
  6. How are you?(你好吗?)
  7. What’s up?(有什么新鲜事吗?)
  8. How’s it going?(近来如何?)
  9. Long time no see!(好久不见!)
  10. Nice to meet you!(很高兴见到你!)


  1. Thank you!(谢谢!)
  2. Thanks a lot!(非常感谢!)
  3. I’m sorry.(对不起。)
  4. Excuse me.(打扰一下。)
  5. Pardon me.(请原谅。)
  6. My apologies.(我道歉。)


  1. My name is…(我的名字是……)
  2. I’m from…(我来自……)
  3. This is…(这是……)
  4. Nice to meet you, I’m…(很高兴见到你,我是……)
  5. Have you met…?(你见过……吗?)


  1. Can you help me, please?(你能帮我吗?)
  2. Could you do me a favor?(你能帮个忙吗?)
  3. Would you like to…?(你想要……吗?)
  4. Do you want to…?(你想要……吗?)
  5. Let’s…(我们一起……吧。)
  6. How about…?(……怎么样?)


  1. I like…(我喜欢……)
  2. I love…(我爱……)
  3. I enjoy…(我喜欢……)
  4. I’m fond of…(我喜欢……)
  5. I don’t like…(我不喜欢……)
  6. I hate…(我讨厌……)


  1. What do you think?(你认为怎么样?)
  2. What’s your opinion?(你的意见是什么?)
  3. How do you feel about…?(你对……感觉如何?)
  4. In my opinion…(在我看来……)
  5. Personally, I think…(就我个人而言,我认为……)
  6. I believe that…(我相信……)


  1. What do you do for a living?(你是做什么工作的?)
  2. How was your day?(你今天过得如何?)
  3. What are your hobbies?(你的爱好是什么?)
  4. What did you do last weekend?(上个周末你做了什么?)
  5. What are your plans for the weekend?(周末你有什么计划?)


  1. What’s the weather like today?(今天天气怎么样?)
  2. It’s sunny/cloudy/rainy/windy.(今天是晴天/多云/下雨/有风。)
  3. How’s the food?(食物怎么样?)
  4. This is delicious!(这个很好吃!)
  5. I don’t like this dish.(我不喜欢这道菜。)
  6. Can I have the bill, please?(请给我账单。)


  1. How much does it cost?(多少钱?)
  2. Do you accept credit cards?(你们收信用卡吗?)
  3. Can I try this on?(我可以试穿一下吗?)
  4. Do you have this in another color?(这个还有其他颜色吗?)
  5. I’ll take it.(我要买这个。)


  1. Table for two, please.(请给我们预订一个两人桌。)
  2. What’s the special today?(今天的特色菜是什么?)
  3. I’ll have the steak, medium rare.(我要一份五分熟的牛排。)
  4. Can I have a glass of water, please?(请给我一杯水。)
  5. Could we get the check, please?(我们可以结账吗?)


  1. Where is the nearest bus stop?(最近的公交车站在哪里?)
  2. How much is a ticket to…?(去……的票价是多少?)
  3. Is there a restroom nearby?(附近有厕所吗?)
  4. Can you recommend a good hotel?(你能推荐一家好酒店吗?)
  5. How do I get to the airport?(我怎么去机场?)


  1. Congratulations!(恭喜!)
  2. I’m so happy for you!(我为你感到高兴!)
  3. I’m sorry to hear that.(听到这个消息我感到很抱歉。)
  4. That’s terrible!(太糟糕了!)
  5. I’m overjoyed!(我感到非常高兴!)


  1. Would you like to go out for dinner?(你愿意和我一起出去吃晚饭吗?)
  2. What time shall we meet?(我们什么时候见面?)
  3. Shall we go to the movies tonight?(我们今晚去看电影好的吗?)

    74. I had a great time tonight.(今晚我过得很愉快。)
    75. Let’s do this again sometime.(我们下次再约。)


  1. Are you feeling alright?(你感觉还好吗?)
  2. I have a headache/stomachache.(我头疼/肚子疼。)
  3. I need to see a doctor.(我需要看医生。)
  4. Take care of yourself.(保重身体。)
  5. Get well soon!(早日康复!)


  1. What do you do for a living?(你是做什么工作的?)
  2. How long have you been working here?(你在这里工作多久了?)
  3. What are your responsibilities?(你的工作职责是什么?)
  4. I’m a teacher/engineer/nurse, etc.(我是一名教师/工程师/护士,等等。)
  5. I’m looking for a job.(我正在找工作。)


  1. Do you have any siblings?(你有兄弟姐妹吗?)
  2. How old are your children?(你的孩子多大了?)
  3. Are you married?(你结婚了吗?)
  4. I’m single.(我单身。)
  5. We’re expecting a baby.(我们期待着一个宝宝的到来。)


  1. What time is it?(现在几点了?)
  2. What day is it today?(今天星期几?)
  3. When is your birthday?(你的生日是什么时候?)
  4. Do you have any plans for the weekend?(周末有什么计划吗?)
  5. What are you doing tomorrow?(你明天做什么?)


  1. What’s your major?(你的专业是什么?)
  2. How do you like your school?(你喜欢你的学校吗?)
  3. I’m studying English/medicine/engineering, etc.(我正在学习英语/医学/工程学,等等。)
  4. I’m a student/teacher/professor.(我是一名学生/教师/教授。)
  5. Never stop learning!(永远不要停止学习!)




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