

学术小学生 2023-09-02 11:01
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风筝的英文读音为'fēng zhēng'。其中,'fēng'的音调是第一声,即高音。'zhēng'的音调是第四声,即降调。


1. fly a kite:放风筝

例句:We went to the park to fly a kite.(我们去公园放风筝。)

2. kite festival:风筝节

例句:The annual kite festival will be held next weekend.(每年的风筝节下周将举行。)

3. kite runner:风筝斗跑者

例句:The main character in the book 'The Kite Runner' is an Afghan boy who aspires to be a kite runner.(《追风筝的人》这本书中的主人公是一个阿富汗男孩,他渴望成为一名风筝斗跑者。)

4. Kiteboarding:风筝冲浪

例句:Last summer, I tried kiteboarding for the first time and it was so much fun.(去年夏天,我第一次尝试风筝冲浪,感觉真是太棒了。)

5. Kite-shaped:风筝形状的


1. My father can a kite bamboo and paper. 我爸爸会用竹子和纸做风筝.

2. He is making a kite these days. 这些天来他一直在做风筝.

3. Is he making a model plane? No, he isn’t. He is making

a kite. 他正在做模型飞机吗 ?不, 他不在. 他正在做风筝.

4. Weifang residents love kites and love flying kites. They even make kitesthemselves. 潍坊人爱风筝,放风筝, 还要自己做风筝.

5. He’ll make a kite for me. 他将给我做个风筝.

6. Boy has done a kite. 男孩做了一个风筝.

7. An unwise experiment which is often mentioned is Benjamin Franklin’s famouskite in a thunderstorm. 经常提到的一次欠考虑的实验是本杰明?富兰克林做的著名的在雷雨中放风实验.

8. The first step in the procedure for making a kite is to build the frame. 制作风筝的第一步是做骨架.

9. Can you make a plane model? No. but I can make kite. 你会作摸型飞机吗 ?不会.但我会做一个风筝.



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