

刘小芳(作者单位:华东师范大学外语学院) 2021-08-03 10:00
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She watched TV till her mother came back.她看电视直到她母亲回来

He will wait for you until your father comes.他将等你到你父亲

Einstein was not able to return to his homeland till the war was over.直到战争结束后爱因斯坦才得以回国。

Until you told me, I had heard nothing of what happened.直到你告诉我以前,出了什么事我一点也不知道。


Continue taking readings till the temperature has fallen to room temperature. 继续阅读,直到温度降至室温。

He spoke no word and made no sigh until I had finished the tale. 在我讲完这个故事之前,他一句话也没说,也没叹气。


I won't leave you till you shall be well taken care of.(C. Dickens: Little Dorrit)

She sat on her bed, waiting until her door should be unlocked; and she made her plans for the evening to come.(D. Maurier: Jamaica Inn)

They're commandeering power, water, land, and strategic materials till hell won't have it.(H. Wouk: War and Remembrance)

Therefore she moved along the bank till he would look up.(D. Lawrence: Women in Love)


The SID officer had him at the closed hatch opposite the galley, in first class, until he was shivering with fear.(C. Thomas: Snow Falcon)

I never saw this drop until I was flying headlong through the air.(H. Wells: The Island of Dr. Moreau)



相关热点: CATTI资讯汇总 高考2014