
Jessie J勇夺《歌手》冠军,引来外媒关注!

She judged hopeful singers on The Voice UK for four seasons and has had several big hits of her own.

But Jessie J, 30, decided that it was her turn to take part in a singing contest, as she joined Chinese show Singer, the country's X Factor equivalent as a competitor in early January.
一月份的早些时候,现年30岁的结石姐参加了中国的《歌手》节目,相当于她英国的《X音素》(The X Factor)真人选秀节目。

The raven-haired singer competed on the show every week, and performed her own songs like Flashlight and Domino, as well as a number of cover songs.

But it was her take on Whitney Houston's I Will Always Love You that earned her the top spot, as her powerful vocals and emotional performance won the crowd, and judges, over.
她凭借Whitney Houston的一曲《I Will Always Love You》奠定王者之位,她的声音洪亮,表演动情,观众评委都被她折服。

One billion people watched Jessie's performance on the final show, which aired live in its native country, and after her win the singer took to her social media to pen a heartfelt message to her fans.

'I was the first international artist to ever be asked / compete. An honour alone. I know a lot of people were shocked when they found out,' she wrote.

'Like why would I compete in a singing competition... I'm probably the least competitive person I know.'

'It was an opportunity to bridge a gap between two cultures. For them to see a western performer and hear music some had never heard before and visa versa.'

'Seeing the boundaries break down and the rules be shifted made this whole experience incredible.'

She continued: 'China is an amazing place and so different to anywhere I have ever been. I have never been made to feel more welcomed and loved as I have done here.

'I won the show last night. But what we all won was the beginning of something really magical. I am so happy I got to play a part.'[/en

[en]In another post, the singer admitted to her fans: 'I wanted to make the four year old me / Whitney / my Mum and Dad / my team and all my heartbeats around the world proud. I cried like a baby after the last note.'


While Jessie is still gushing over her win on the hit singing competition, she is also set to start working on her new album R.O.S.E.
